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Everything posted by blacklabelfosho

  1. i went and beat the last level on legendary, just to see if the rest of the campaign was worth playing on that difficulty... i only died once... thought it would be a waste of time, so i didnt even bother. plus the ending sucked anyway. i must say, h3 campaign... biggest dissapointment ever
  2. lolz, we aint rolled down any half pipes in a while, but we have been having fun with the new rush class for my fraternity bros. i just got done playing a 45 minute recital for my trumpet, i did pretty good, only one song was worth CD recording. now that my 360 broke. (god damnit) ive been playing a PC game called Rappelz really fun Free MMORPG. ehh, dnt really get to mod much, forgot my crossover cable back at home, and for some reason i cant get my laptop to ftp with my orig xbox anyway. wanna try the killjoy mappack so badly though... *sniff* got the box in the trunk of my car all set up now. 4 12' subwoofers 2 tweeters 2 6'9's car is a beast uhh, wanting to play the new Call of Duty 4 game, looks majestical. Guitar Hero 3 - fun. TTFAF is prolly the hardest song ive ever seen in my life. i need to do laundry. dorm starting to smell lol. my name is spelt blacklabel... not Blacklable. ( ) ehh dnno really wut else i been doing, i made a custom intro for my laptop. has a picture of stewie, and it has the xp logo. looking for a crack for MS office 2007. i did the backdoor, but it still only worked for the free trial amount of time. damn i love "Scrubs" funny a$$ tv show. srry i aint been on here as much ppl. just got life in the way. damn college just spent 650 dollars on two pimping a$$ suits to wear. they majesty. cant wait for REAL h3 mods to be released, and for me to buy a new xSata seeing how mine broke... along with my 360. overheating piece of sh!t. went to the casino for one of my closest friends bachelor party. lost a bangload of money lol. then went back to his house and partied. woot. then watched very disgusting porn. i mean eeeeeewwwww. like it made everyone that watched it throw up instantly if u want a link here it is. WARNING NUDITY, GROSSNESS, DO NOT CLICK IF NOT 18 by this time all the horny 16 year olds have stopped looking at the warning and have unzipped their camo shorts, reached in their pants with their left hand while trying to control the mouse with there right to find the link. lol, don't say i didnt warn you. prolly the grossest thing i have ever seen in my life. PM black label for link anyways. peaches u can remove that link if u dnt want kids clicking on it, its just so gross i dnt think u can consider it porn lol. i miss you kids. wish we still had the whole XBC parties going on and stuff... nowadays no one plays xbc anymore... *sniff* and my orig xbox is hardmodded so i cant get on xbl. damn damn damn. damn ring of death. damn damn damn well there is my rant... going to bed tomorrow. got like 4 classes tomorrow. w00t 9-10, 11-12, 12-1, 4-5. greatest schedule' ever. unlike today. 8-9, 9:30-11, 11-12, 12-1, 1-2, 3-4, 4-5, 5-6, 7:15-9. yah tuesdays suck balls schedule' wise. anyways. gnight all. hope this sh!t gets stikeyed
  3. blacklabelfosho


    maybe if u weren't such a fata$$ and didnt eat so much candy jk jk jk jk i love fat ppl
  4. i finally got it. tha ring o death. yah and its the wrong ring of death, bc i can fix one of them, but this is the video card failure ring... gdamnit i can fix the overheat ring o death... damn damn damn this is why i havent gotten to play xbox much, or get on here much. i have found a free mmorpg, and ive been playing it lately. its called rappelz. its freaking awesome completely free mmorpg, go try it out. gameplay vids on youtube if u wanna see it. its about an hour long dl, but its worth it any ways. damn 360, im prolly gnna buy a ps3, only 400$ now o and guitar hero 3.... omg that TTFAF song is so damn hard.....
  5. its not my level. but i just wanted to show you this guy. he goes to school with me and umm... only playes halo3. nothing else in his life http://www.bungie.net/Stats/Halo3/Defau ... r=Z6e9mi2T his gamertag is Z6e9mi2T and im pretty sure he is the highest level on halo3 right now
  6. see i had this same error, and i figured it was the virtual memory, so i went back into my computer room. got my sata cables, and started messing around with the HD. the problem is, is the fact that the 360 builds up its cache too damn fast, microsoft made it perform too many functions at once, and with halo 3's auto recording function, its just building up a memory of too many things at once, and it will end up breaking. see bungie either shouldnt have made the halo3 game record everygame unless u told it to record, and it shouldnt remember the last 50 games youve played, bc the virtual memory gets overloaded, i had to go in and reflash my firmware, so it would clear my virtual memory. i lost all my last games on h3, but it was the only way to fix my 360...
  7. I played through all the mario cart tracks. they were pretty fun. and i dnt like infection games... i hated zombies in h2.. y would i like it in h3. especially xXkilltrocityXx 's version of it. zombie has needler.. and all humans have pistols... lolz if u dnt know who killtrocity is ur retarded
  8. i know where all the skulls are, and all the terminals for marathon man. add me GT-Scary lil boy
  9. yeh u can see ur pics on bungie... and if u click on them.. u can automatically save or open em. and they come in great quality. anything good about the pics u'd like to add?
  10. its really sad that people are cheating in an arcade.... im sure its not that hard... but come on kids... i really havent gotten to play em much... but ill start trying to.
  11. u should have the pow fall back down on him and squish him... it would be funny as hell
  12. yeh i played it... i got to elite... then i restarted my rank... bc i was bored... but then i joined a clan and we did gamebattles for a while and we couldnt lose a match.... so i quit playing it... we played a ranked match against another clan... we got a head 23 to 1.... so we started using pistols... lol beat them 104 - 18... me and my friends laughed for hours...
  13. Blueagulation Pretty much... you will love it Website: http://ibotmodz.3.forumer.com Patch:Download <---- fixed link Patch Type: SPPF Map: Coagulation Map Information: [ Not tested ] System Link [ NO ] BSP Mods [ NO ] Map Skin [ YES ] Model Injections [ NO ] Machines Added [ YES ] Biped Mods [ YES ] Vehicle Mods [ YES ] Weapon Mods [ NO ] AI Added [ YES ] Injected Scripts [ NO ] Teleporters Added [ NO ] Injected Sounds [ YES ] Lighting Mods [ NO ] Jmad Edits [ YES ] Physics Mods Well this is my very first mod guys... don't hate on it bc u know its teh majesty Mods: Well i spent a lot of time playing around with things i havent seen in other mods... ive found that the black hud looks more appropiate with the darker maps... and i dont think i have ever seen a different colored hud so i think thats one of the main things in this mod that im very proud of. Pictures: Click HERE for album of all pictures http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/151-583.jpg <---- slideshow http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/151-584.jpg <---- slideshow Credits: blacklabelfosho of iBotModz This mod was made for a competition at ibotmodz... dont rip Created by iBotModz post generator
  14. woh... ur lucky that engine still in tact though...
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