but you dont need to cheat... look at this. i did this w/o cheating look at what wave im on
i dnt remember when i joined. i was like member 192 or something... What i remember most is sitting for hours upon hours helping kids leard to mod h2. while working on meh own mods. i only released 1 mod out of all the ones i made. and it was way after h2 modding was done so no one played it i remember anarchy and me and him just hanging out and slaughtering kids in MM for the hell of it. was good times
GZ guys KD quit crying. Steven you haven't been posting. no one knows your active if you don't post. check your powers still. retired is where you should be. (can still do a bit of trolling and moderating) ((its what I do now )) all my new purples get a nice *high five* dnno what color the others are lol (colorblind) you guys get a handshake accompanied by a hug who took my spot as global mod leader??
Joined: Proud member 3 years Other Aliases: Scary lil boy Posts: 2,024 posts (3.3 per day) Were you on OLD IBM (The blue skin former one?): Yes Do you want VIP for the content, or to contribute to a smaller private area?: Content sir Knowing that there is leaked content in there, do you support leaked content or frown upon it?: Support leaked content if proper credit is given.
would be a nice promo for a skate comp. you could try sellin the orig to a couple skate companies in the area. maybe blow it up real large and put it up in a store? gotta learn to capitolize on sex shots like this one. if he's makin a skatetage that could be the intro? or the promo poster for it.
yeh that stupid recon think was built just to **** off ppl who used it. find another shutdown.exe from one of your other computers and add it to your system32. dnt remember if its in a folder or not
Grade: well... in college so 15? 3rd year of college about to be my 4th weekends... Hw Hw Hw. finished my 40 page instrumental pedagogy paper this weekend. practice trumpet. if i have free time its playing rappelz w/ my KKY brothers. or drinking "milk" as we like to call it
just wanna know if anyone here is a /b/tard?,2933,512957,00.html I'm a bit of an oldf@g on the site, wondering if anyone else tri-force's daily?
never even noticed this child posting. guess he hasn't annoyed me enough yet. but i voted for racist comments bc nothing pisses me off more than an arrogant bigot.
get a mobile registry editor. lol. dnt fk up your phone if you don't know how to use those programs though. be VERY careful w/ those things lol. make a back up of your contacts list as well
lol i played this like back in middle school. wow long time ago. think i picked it up like 2 years ago, installed, decided to go straight to hacking the hell out of it, and then was bored of it really quickly lol yeh dnt play anymore. but i did have max toons when i did play legit. max amazon, sorc, and assassin. wow good times