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Everything posted by Laxmonster54♥

  1. sounds like a great Idea. I will be doing this....
  2. Here start reading some tutorials they will explain Photoshop further and teach you how to make some decent sigs. Here is a good place to get signature tutorials. http://www.gfxvoid.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=7
  3. Yeah sure I guess. http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/10193-401.png Are you doubting that I made that?
  4. Post Pictures and what all you got on it. http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/10169-402.jpg AMD~64 HP Pavilion Slimline s7627cPC 4 Gigs of ram And my baby: AMD 6400+ Black edition 2 GB Ballistyx Ram (Why go with more windows won't recognizeanymore than 3 GB) Asus M3A32-MVP Deluxe WiFi 8800 GTX Superclocked Raptor 15,000 RPM 150 GB hard drive Water cooled. Dolby surrond sound 5.1 Samsung 24" 245bw http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/10169-403.jpg
  5. Ok, also you many want to look at lowering the size of your sig. good idea. He has to start some where.... I make my sigs at 350X125 but if I where you I would start with 400X130 pixels.
  6. It just wont open.... its blank...
  7. No.... There is about 15 layers....
  8. C+C http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/10137-411.jpg with border: http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/10137-412.jpg
  9. Yep. I downloaded like four times. didnt work for me
  10. Not a bad start I suppose... My only advice is to keep practicing and read lots and lots of sig tutorials....
  11. I just downloaded and it didn't work...
  12. Thats pretty tight.... I make stuff for a dealership from where I live. Some of them make it in there commercials.
  13. I think I am more active then caratti and I do make things for people and help them out a lot! but thats just what I think
  14. I need helpful poster~ because you guys all know I help you guys out with GFX And the the Energy medal because I am still very active...
  15. I am going to Chicago and wont be back until thursday night......
  16. Thanks guys.....
  17. Caratti uses MP4 and WMV I believe looks good though keep up the good work...
  18. much much better. good job of fixing it
  19. I like the bg but your render needs to blend a tad bit more.. Mess with layer blending options. Its not to bad though just keep playing with it....
  20. Thanks man I appreciate it...
  21. C+C http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/9627-446.jpg
  22. True... Me and Caratti are the only ones who post stuff who are on the GFX team. Maybe one of us could do it....
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