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Everything posted by Laxmonster54♥

  1. lol Mine is Laxmonster54 duhhh... lol but I don't have a xbox any more lol so this is pretty much useless
  2. I like it alot. I like the text too. all around a good job. 9.5/10
  3. Too bright, Too Blue, Does not blend. Keep working though. I see potential.
  4. I like the Mario one. the other ones are lacking... Keep trying though..
  5. Good job. I really like this style. I am yet to try it. lol I might have to 9/10 good job keep up the good work.
  6. Its alright. I made a unreal tournament sig once it was along time ago. here's mine from almost a year ago. http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/4692-201.jpg~its kind of shitty but so am I when it comes to GFX lol JK
  7. lol thats cool.
  8. Yeah do what Black said^^ I might not be able to do it because i am leaving town in like five minutes and I have no Idea when I am coming back. sorry.
  9. so how do you want us to test this with out a link to the download? Please post a download link it would help lol
  10. thanks there could be more to come
  11. good job. I use to render some stuff but it just takes too much of my time. good cut!
  12. no problem if you need help with anything just ask...
  13. Thanks. we did a Abstract(Me) and Brute did the Sprite part. The font is Harrsion from Dafont.com we might do more
  14. DANG!!! thats tight thanks...
  15. Me and Brute(aka Alpha) decided to do a Sprite abstract Tag. Please tell us what you think and Rate thanks. http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/4553-231.png
  16. I don't listen to hip hop I like punk rock and SKA...
  17. I will go for leader or even Caratti should have it. I think That Secret drummer isn't active I think he should be moved to retired staff. I am thinking our color should be changed from orange to like Purple or Black I think Black would be cool only if its in a bold text. Concrats Demon and Brute!
  18. lol ok Glade you like it.
  19. I like it lol but who's that black guy? I will put it in my sig. I have been busy with school work and Lacrosse. Tell wade he still owes me my money... lol
  20. lol It saden's me to know that Caratti has looked at it but not responded....
  21. ... wtf....
  22. I vote Hell yes. he deserves it. Good luck man...
  23. lol here you go spartan remember this? http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/4499-246.png
  24. lol Ok I have a good idea.
  25. Hey Steven did you hear about shane playing lil poison and beating his ass to the point were he was crying?
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