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Everything posted by Laxmonster54♥

  1. Heeeeeyyyyyyy!
  2. I dos whats I wants foo P.S whats up melo? lol
  3. O hai guys! Been here since the former days. lol Ive always kinda checked in. People move on to bigger and better things. Yes peaches, I live semi close. Probably about an hour away or so. I Had a blast on this site when I was younger. Kinda sad to see it slow down like this. Ibotmodz was the first form I ever came across. I learned so much from here. XxAnarachyxX was the first person I came into contact with here. I learned everything I could about graphic design from him. I now do it for a living. So I guess I could say, because of this site I have a career and am making a great living. I made a lot of friends on this site. Shout out to Melo, Happy Buddah Peaches, Blacklabelfosho, Fattwam, Themastersnail, Big4wheeler and any other I may have forgot to mention. I spent years and countless hours on this site. Looking back I wish I could have done more. Like I said its been a great run, but everyone has to move on at some point. Love ya guys. Peace -Laxmonster54 <3
  4. Whoa a wooah
  6. lol She looks alot like her brother. Hes also in the picture. can you guess witch one? hahah also this is what she looks like in real life: http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs521.snc3/29642_456367684255_672564255_6084977_6349257_n.jpg Also lol at this : http://img266.imageshack.us/img266/1415/laxnewfanmr0.png
  7. DO NOT DO THIS Its not a bad start but what makes it so special. Add more. dont rush it, just think about it and you will get some ideas
  8. lol thanks
  9. Here is the cover i made for my roommates band. This is there second album. you can listen to there music at www.myspace.com/thelastkingscomo This piece took me over twenty hours. I started by taking pictures of each band members then individually drew each one with pen and ink. After i completed my outlines and found a compo that I liked I then water colored it and then finished up by editing in photoshop. Enjoy and tell me what you think http://img37.imageshack.us/img37/8789/thelastkingsalbumcover.jpg
  10. O fringe fx or something like that. Im not a active member there but for some odd reason I still have there ftp info haha
  11. Leafthree mo ****a
  12. I lol'd 3ds max?
  13. Laxmonster54♥


    You just put text on it with outer glow and and a drop shadow. Ive seen that stock before.
  14. too saturated.
  15. too dark, text needs work and ive seen a million sigs like this. Change it up. dont follow tutorials (not that you did). The biggest thing is you need to find your own style. 4/10 keep working though
  16. Here Im smashed have your fun http://photos-c.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs046.snc3/13333_201181651797_522941797_3896417_1475715_n.jpg
  17. EWWW. Smugging is bad and way to mono TUTS=For nubs
  18. Gah ibm what am I doing?
  19. <3
  20. newfag. ps. im a mod on /b/, /gif/, and /wg/
  21. 10000/100000000000000000 lol jk its ight
  22. I smucks butz .....
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