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Everything posted by Laxmonster54♥

  1. do a abstract or stylized anime sig. idk it all depends on your style
  2. http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/10451-380.jpg Thats right! I am willing to make anyone a sig that wants one. My only requirements: 1: You You Must be active. 2:Have more then 50 posts. 3:and have a good record here. ( not disrespecting other members) Note ~It could take a while on some sigs, it all depends on the demand. ~you may suggest a render/stock but I Have the right to change it. Guidelines Name: Type of piece: (this means sig/avatar) Style:
  3. I used the rant one the other day
  4. Yeah anyone can join. We need all the entry's we can get.
  5. You should enter in the GFX Battle!!!
  6. Yeah Same I love the drop down bar. I am already using it.
  7. Wh H
  8. Laxmonster54♥


    btw i do know what vector is. I made these a While back: http://img405.imageshack.us/img405/2268 ... 103gv4.jpg http://img405.imageshack.us/img405/5250 ... 037fm2.jpg http://img407.imageshack.us/img407/39/pspbattlepj9.jpg Thats Just a few b****!
  9. Laxmonster54♥


    Wow your such a Ass Hole. If you haven't noticed this is not solely a GFX site. For One I am not that big into making Sigs so shut the @#%$ up. second If for one second you think your better then everyone else then your a idiot. Third. If you think calling everyones stuff trash, then you have alot to learn. ( Signatures are my weakest subject ) Fourth thing. You don't even post here and when you do there all negitative. would perfer you just leave if you are going to have that kind of attitude. BTW all of your s*** that you ever posted is nothing to anyone. All you did was Copy Anarchy's style and everything he ever did! Quit sucking his dick! @#%$ you.....
  10. Whats that Make you?
  11. Holy $%#^%# s***!!! I want my 360 back now This is $%#^%# amazing. Can I come to one of your guys house to play. I dont care where you live I will be there!!!!!!!
  12. Ok Sounds good to me. The GFX leader should get a custom colored name..... Just a Idea
  13. lol one of the comments was my nipples fell off. lol
  14. Screw My old entry.... It sucked. Heres my new one http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/10290-392.png
  15. What????
  16. When does the poll end.
  17. Because Its your third sig and you have greatly improved from first two I would give this sig a solid 7.5/10 but remember don't get down on your self practice makes perfect. Me My self I have been doing GFX off and on for almost a year. I spent close to five hours a night in Photoshop. I also do Graphics for local car dealerships and I photo edit peoples cars while they restore them So they can see a finished image. Just Keep Practicing.....
  18. Vote for who you think is best and Can help the most
  19. Laxmonster54♥


    Just one though
  20. you want us to enter our entries in this thread?
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