not to dissagree with you or anything, or start a flame, the whole goal of a tag with a render is try and get peoples eyes to auto-focus on the vocal point(unless making something such as a vector with nothing but awsome shape lol) thats why i had my text and light source really close to the vocal........ you may learn somethin from what i just said but maybe not lol I uderstand what your saying I really do. I was just trying to say that the I am atracted to the focal point right away but its when I start looking over the whole sig, thats when I start to notice things. And don't worry about starting a flame. Its cool P.S. YOU DO NEED TO BE ON GFX!
Its pretty good. But the only thing that bothers me is the fact the whole bottom half of the sig is just blue. I realize its a smudge tag but there should be something down there that sorta catches the eye. btw I like the text in this one. Good job othere then that though. good lighting and depth and great use of colors!
Very nice! good job following that Tut. But I got something for yeah for the battle. its going to take a while( like days) to make. I am about a 1/4 of the way done. good luck