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Everything posted by Laxmonster54♥

  1. No comments guys? I am disappointed
  2. lol he's good enough. theres these twins at our school that are crazy good and they got to play against lil poison. They beat the hell out of him so bad that he cried. What I am trying to say is::: lol Steven beats the HELL out of the Twins lol
  3. Very good steven. I liked the editing just dont do the whole montage in that fuzzy blue stuff lol
  4. C+C http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/7613-686.jpg
  5. lol what? You are copying him. Just because you think yours are going to be better doesn't mean your not copying him. I am not making the banner out of respect of Steven. And I don't expect anyone here to help copy one of our good friends ideas ether. soo. you can ether get a new idea or stop asking. I am sorry to be like this but you are straight up copying his ideas and accusing his of being crappy. I think they are very well put together and I doubt that you can do better. Do you have any idea how much time it takes to make a vid that good? I would be glad to make you a banner if you come up with your own idea and name....
  6. are you copying Steven?
  7. What colors do you think would look good?
  8. Its a style that people to do. its a lot harder then what it looks like.
  9. there both awsome. Very good job!!! I give you 15.5 high fives lol
  10. lol ok 251
  11. C+C http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/7424-693.jpg
  12. Laxmonster54♥


    I think the text is too dark and I dont like the shadow on your name and wades. Other then that nice vector image
  13. who the @#%$ is this guy? why is he GFX? I dont know him.... lol jk.
  14. I wold rock the sin city shoes lol I swear. Here is another I made http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/7391-696.jpg
  15. Very good first time with the pen tool.
  16. Did this one in like five min http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/7377-697.jpg
  17. I made this tut a few weeks ago I hope it helps http://laxmonster54.deviantart.com/art/ ... l-76779386
  18. Its a lot better no imo, but the render doesn't seem to match the bg. try duplicating the render and adding some motion blurs glausin blurs ect... just keep messing with it it. the transition from render to bg is rough, in other words I don't think the render blends that well. but the sig does have great balance and depth! I am only trying to help
  19. Laxmonster54♥


    Rancid Sublime Social Distortion 311 Black Flag Ramones hepcat the specials and many many more.
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