Its alot better! But the render is to sharp around the edges. Thats the only thing that really needs work imo. The effects will come later but blending is what you need to worry about now. Keep up the good work
To get to Photo filters go Layer>New adjustment layer> Photofilters. and here is a good smudge tut
Try lighting effects, photo filters, Smudging the render a little more, Erase hard thick spots on the render and crop your sig its too big. otherwise to bad i guess lol
We will investigate this. BTW no one banned you. We don't ban anyone anymore. I will check on your account and get this all figured out. Just be patient I didn't do anything to you. As off right know the topic is closed....
Yeah its not a bad start at all. read some sig tuts and you will be great in no time. here is a tut on how to add brushes in photoshop