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Everything posted by Laxmonster54♥

  1. where did you get it?
  2. o and for you guys who dont have CS3 and dont want to rip it off. it is now 2,500 now. Im sure it will go down more when CS4 comes out.
  3. Adobe will announce Adobe CS4 Master collection September 23, 2008 http://news.cnet.com/adobe-sets-date-for-cs4-launch/ http://news.cnet.com/adobe-offers-sneak-peek-of-cs4-apps/ http://cybernetnews.com/2008/03/04/adobe-p...cs4-stonehenge/ And check this link later for a CS4 Free trial. I couldnt find when it would be up......... http://www.photoshopsupport.com/photoshop-...free-trial.html All links and info found by.........guess who?.?.?.?.?..................Me lol
  4. the caches are full and they auto clear I believe..... I could be wrong..............
  5. Laxmonster54♥

    3 new

    first is sexy and second one would be awesome if the there was nore going on with the BG. It looks kinda flat. good job though KIU M8
  6. sig one: Too mono and the right side kills it.. good idea its kinda like Anarchy's style.... Sig two: I like it but some parts are too dark and others too light.... Fix that then make it Black and white
  7. spend more time on your stuff. you will never get anything good out of five minutes
  8. Alright so me and a few members have been talking and we deiced it would be a good idea to make the shoutbox unavailable to people with less then 50 posts. I mean.... it get so old to try and use the shoutbox then some 10 year old fagot asks me if I have XSata or what ever its called... Point is its killing the site.... And its killing me.... Tell me what you think
  9. I like the whole thing..... I just think the person is a little over contrasted
  10. you can resieze it.... click the line above the shout button
  11. Considering the title of the thread I would think its obvious that he is talking about VIP
  12. colors are odd. The stock kinda and kinda doesn't blend/go with the BG...... Smudging is decent as a whole but you have two very defined lines of smudging and the rest is kinda random. O and mess with different smudge settings. All of the smudging looks to similar. Could be batter on depth also. IMO the right side of the sig is pretty sexy but the rest needs what I just stated.... If I where to class this I would say High novice/ low mod.
  13. thats a good idea........ I ll spend some time on it...
  14. this belongs in off topic for one reason. its not you...... CLOSED
  15. I like it. I really like the text too. Have you seen my stencil in GFX General. I posted it so you could see it.
  16. CLEAR
  17. nope but you just got rickrolled by Obama lol
  18. EMO lol jk i love ya
  19. I like it I guess. Georges face needs alot of work IMO though. Keep it up. O and also..... take your time with your vectors. add more detail. Make it look real, add some depth to there face and other parts of there bodys. its a great start though...
  20. well I took these yesterday. tell me what you think... http://tn3-1.deviantart.com/fs37/300W/i/2008/256/a/e/Locked_up_by_Laxmonster54.jpg http://tn3-1.deviantart.com/fs36/300W/f/2008/256/1/f/Love_is_all_by_Laxmonster54.jpg
  21. I wasnt trying to be mean and thats also the precise reason why I dont make sigs anymore. Where will sig's ever get you in life? Im not trying to start sh!t. so dont try and start it with me.....
  22. Post your Facebook links
  23. Enjoy
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