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Everything posted by Laxmonster54♥

  1. Sweet. I think I will wait until its hosted somewhere. I dont feel like downloading... Lol
  2. lol I had too http://img241.imageshack.us/img241/4453/applesigln5.jpg
  3. lol its an apple..... Why is that strange?
  4. Well I creayed this from scratch. tell me what you think.... http://fc39.deviantart.com/fs37/f/2008/282/6/6/Granny_Smith_by_Laxmonster54.jpg
  5. Thanks guys. I spent about 2-3 hours on it.
  6. added really bad sig version
  7. Its ALL done in Ps. (Photoshop CS3) And Thank you kind Sir.
  8. Yeah just work on Lighting and text. Also remember The burn and dodge tool's are your friends... Good job. I look forward to your future stuff.
  9. I AM INSPIRE! And here are my water colors http://img373.imageshack.us/img373/3162/watercolorcopyat2.jpg Here is my shitty sig version http://img401.imageshack.us/img401/7664/watercolorsighq2.jpg
  10. WRONG FORUM! Moved
  11. Laxmonster54♥

    Ban him

    His warning level is very high. If he continues its only a matter of time before he is banned.
  12. I found a bug! when you are viewing a members profile you cant see last visitor or members friends names..... lol
  13. Hmm I should start posting using what you just told me..... I knew I was doing something wrong lol
  14. Because of People Like you!
  15. you sir are an idiot........ Everyone is getting off topic. CLOSED
  16. lol Yeah I just lol'd for like five mins lol I AGREE!
  17. IM STEALING INTERNET!! http://www.speedtest.net/result/333410212.png
  18. Adult content
  19. I like the people but thats it. I guess I just dont see how the rest fits.... Its TOO Random lol good job on the people though...Keep it up
  20. If I see some one I like I usally just pull down my pants.... Always does the trick
  21. GFX team Makes the decision....
  22. ill post pics when I get home from school. Be ready they will be amazing lol....
  23. I say yes if you become more active... I know your new but you need to prove to us you will be here for a while Also your text needs MAJOR work.....
  24. all pretty good.... First one is your best. good job. Keep it up.
  25. im looking forward to it. Thanks peach
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