I wish it would re open. That was the most epic forum ever.... Seriously I would spend hours a night just looking and talking to people I miss the members too Millertime, Baberuth100, Snpyz, And a few other... I remember when everyone that is on our staff now was a bunch of noobs back then like xXxStevenxXx lol jk
I only like the last one. They are all great but the last one is the only one that catches my eye. Great soft tone colors.... KIU I would rank it solid Moderate
Well All you have to do is tell a secret about your self... If you want.... Here is mine: I have OCD I dont have a bad case of it though I just wash my hands alot and everything has to be organized If you dont know what it is, here is the definition: Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a chronic anxiety disorder most commonly characterized by obsessive, distressing, intrusive thoughts and related compulsions. Compulsions are tasks or "rituals" which attempt to neutralize the obsessions. OCD is distinguished from other types of anxiety, including the routine tension and stress that appear throughout life. The phrase "obsessive-compulsive" has become part of the English lexicon, and is often used in an informal or caricatured manner to describe someone who is meticulous, perfectionistic, absorbed in a cause, or otherwise fixated on something or someone.[1] Although these signs are often present in OCD, a person who exhibits them does not necessarily have OCD, and may instead have obsessive-compulsive personality disorder (OCPD) or some other condition. Tell us yours
lol it's nice. I like the "confidential" Stamp lol its a great touch. It Just needs to be bigger it seems like. You should show more of the dinosaur. Good job and as always great concept and outcome...