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Everything posted by Laxmonster54♥

  1. here is what it looks like on my computer
  2. I made this for you guys. I posted it here because no one looks at GFX Section feel free to use. Wallpaper http://img45.imageshack.us/img45/7610/ibmwall1lr0.jpg
  3. Pick me up on the way..... Please. I really am on the way. Twam Can I sleep under your bed?
  4. CNC please. Note Im not even close to being done http://img240.imageshack.us/img240/7441/webpagecopyak6.jpg I also uploaded the image because some people claim to not be able to see it
  5. who are you?
  6. I have it on two of my computers and its not too bad. But both of those computer are majesty so only use like what he said^^^^ only use if your computer has decent ram.
  7. I fixed the video display
  8. ctrl+alt+delete and tell me what your CPU usages is and how many processes. We can go from there
  9. Both sir.....
  10. There's your problem....
  11. get linux its free. Put it on a disk and then kill your computer and load up linux....
  12. Anything you could ever imagine....
  13. This is a brillant idea. this should bring so many people in. Ill start getting my s*** together for it. I have a s*** ton of games....
  14. lol its not worth much now......
  15. I ENTER
  16. Thank you guys for all of your great comments...............................................
  17. He gets them from HERE
  18. They are leaves.... Thanks guys
  19. I liked you but now I love you lol So everyone that is for Obama, whats up with him still not providing a birth certificate saying that he is indeed a natural born citizen?
  20. they make there s*** cheap so it breaks and you have to buy new parts from them. They are called wear items. I learned about it in Auto tech
  21. Anyone know how to code a media player? I am designing one for this site here is a preview in the rough stages..... I made everything including the play,pause,stop, rewind and fast forward buttons. Im taking suggestions also (Size is not final, I know it looks off) http://img135.imageshack.us/img135/441/mediaplayermk9.jpg
  22. Reload the page and if you still cant see it let me know
  23. I might add text later. Im not sure.... http://img267.imageshack.us/img267/9705/mtdewadcopyfk1.jpg
  24. Lacrosse is the game for me. Im a senior in high school and I have scholarship offers to four different schools already. The season hasn't even started yet....
  25. ibotmodz.net granytrany.com
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