I made this for you guys. I posted it here because no one looks at GFX Section feel free to use. Wallpaper http://img45.imageshack.us/img45/7610/ibmwall1lr0.jpg
CNC please. Note Im not even close to being done http://img240.imageshack.us/img240/7441/webpagecopyak6.jpg I also uploaded the image because some people claim to not be able to see it
I have it on two of my computers and its not too bad. But both of those computer are majesty so only use like what he said^^^^ only use if your computer has decent ram.
I liked you but now I love you lol So everyone that is for Obama, whats up with him still not providing a birth certificate saying that he is indeed a natural born citizen?
Anyone know how to code a media player? I am designing one for this site here is a preview in the rough stages..... I made everything including the play,pause,stop, rewind and fast forward buttons. Im taking suggestions also (Size is not final, I know it looks off) http://img135.imageshack.us/img135/441/mediaplayermk9.jpg
Lacrosse is the game for me. Im a senior in high school and I have scholarship offers to four different schools already. The season hasn't even started yet....