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Everything posted by Laxmonster54♥

  1. Why thank you guys for your kind, genital coments lol hahahaha
  2. Well its hotter them HP's **** http://img261.imageshack.us/img261/4702/simplelifeol5.png
  3. lol the cop in the video is staying at our school..... And as far as I know he has been cleared of everything
  4. Any one got anything good? I Might be going as a guy from Blue man group or maybe even Rick Aschley.... It all depends lol what are your ideas?
  5. lol yeah I know. I got the program from Fattwam So does any one know if that is a trogan?
  6. OMG MY NEW COMPUTER O_O WHY???? lol I got it taken care of. for the future dont download Antivirus 2009 it will @#%$ you up....
  7. story was released on MSNBC today. lol And the cop was back ay my school today
  8. It all sounds great. I am actually pumped for this. Just one question.... What will happen to the mods? (Sub admin, Moderator,GFX?)
  9. our cops are seriously not rent a cops They are the real deal. The have squad cars that say Columbia police dept They have Columbia police badges they have a K-9 unit. They ARE THE REAL DEAL (at my school anyway.)
  10. We dont have rent-a-cops. they are the real deal at my school because of the amount of violence that we have each day... Caratti i made my thread first b**** lol
  11. you guys are missing the point...... The fight was going on for like two mins before the cops got there... and the reason it's on the news is because how the Grey haired cop handled the whole thing. did you she how rough he was?
  12. so what did you find Obama would do to help the country?
  13. wow this is great. remember if you need help just ask....
  14. yeah. I saw the whole thing. Is it really all over the news? What news we talking here? Cnn? lol"?
  15. Because Im interested in peoples beliefs and if you want to be a little girl about it then forget it.
  16. It happened on Thursday. I know the girl in black real well. The whole thing is still under investigation Hickman Fight
  17. Well I would really like to hear those reasons....
  18. Im sorry and nothing against you and I like you but that was by far the dumbest reason for ever liking obama I have ever heard. What if I was to say Obama will be dead soon too because he is black? does that give me a reason to vote for the opposite party?
  19. lets get back on topic please....
  20. V3 is the s***. I wouldnt change a thing. good job.
  21. Alright Im not going to force my opinions on anyone I just want to post some facts I took the time to type out. I have been paying very close attention this year to politics and this just some tax info. I need to address Obamaâs tax plan. Because I know many of you are just thinking ROFL I WILL PAY LESS TAXES. This is actually not true. What Obama is telling you, is that he is cutting taxes from the PRE-BUSH tax cut brackets. Do you know what that means? I will tell you: Here are the tax brackets today: For a single tax payer: You pay 10% taxes if your income is between $0 and $8,025 (the currently will get all taxes refunded to them) You pay 15% taxes if your income is between $8,025 and $32,550 (they currently pay very little in taxes) You pay 25% taxes if your income is between $32,550 and $78,850 (this is middle class) You pay 28% taxes if your income is between $78,850 and $164,550 You pay 33% taxes if your income is between $164,550 and $357,700 You pay 35% taxes if your income is above $357,700. The main thing you have to pay attention to is each of these brackets. Everything else they are talking about in their tax plans will cost or save you only a couple hundred bucks. The fundamental change that will cost you the most is anything proposing a change in tax brackets. McCain wants to keep these Bush Tax Cut brackets and make them permanent. Obama wants to let them expire. Here is what it looked like pre-Bush tax cuts. You pay 15% taxes if your income is between $0 and $26,250 (notice there is no 10% bracket and it only goes up to 26,250 instead of 32,550) You pay 28% taxes if your income is between $26,250 and $63,550 (notice the change in percentage from 25 to 28 and it only goes up to 63,550) You pay 31% taxes if your income is between $78,850 and $164,550 (up 3%) You pay 36% taxes if your income is between $164,550 and $357,700 (up 3%) You pay 39.6% taxes if your income is above $357,700. (up 4.6%) Obama will cut taxes for many people, but he will cut them from THIS point and he wont go past the Bush tax cuts. Which means, you pay more than you do RIGHT NOW. All the extra little stuff heâs and McCain are talking about wonât hardly make any difference. The tax RATES are the biggest thing. Now consider the increase on the âwealthyâ. He states that taxes will rise on everyoneâs INDIVIDUAL TAX RETURN making $250k per year or more. This is a lot of small businesses. SCorporations and Partnershipâs business incomes GO ON THE INDIVIDUAL TAX RETURN. So these small business owners will now have to pay more in individual taxes. 4.6% X 250k = $11,500 in extra taxes. Thatâs a part time salary. How is he going to make up for these extra taxes? Heâs going to cut that part time job. Who is probably making that $11,500 salary? The guy whoâs on the bottom of the totem pole who voted for Obama. Obama just coasted that man his job Here is a good example of what I am trying to say: The Scorp that made $250k probably has 4 employees. They cut 1 and lost 25% of their workforce. The SCorp that made $2million probably has 25 employees. They cut 3 and lost 12% of their workforce. Multiply this across every small business. Thousands of them. You are talking massive job loss. Who do you think are going to lose those jobs? The people who were on the bottom of the totem pole with the most expendable jobs who most likely voted for Obama for some quick tax breaks. John McCain gets my vote.
  22. WUT?
  23. hmmmmm I chose /=divide I like the + to be honest.... I get the whole concept of the negative I just dont think it turned out that great.
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