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Everything posted by Laxmonster54♥

  1. Yeah I know........ I was bored...
  2. peace bud... I hope you stop by every once and a while...
  3. over 9000
  4. prolly my fav from you... I love the colors... No complaints And second that you get Msn...
  5. but all of your proxies are blocked at my school..... ALL OF THEM!
  6. im going to have to pay consdiering Im going to school for Graphic design.....
  7. lol thanks
  8. is it suppose to be animated? Cause I think you need to upload it... EDIT: It works you should make it a smother animation and add lax in it...
  9. thats fine lol
  10. make me one I guess......... I wanna see what you can do... I want a animated sig. I want a baby dinosaur to lay a egg and have the egg hatch and I pop out... use this image: http://photos-a.ak.facebook.com/photos-ak-snc1/v312/103/8/522941797/n522941797_1387888_8004.jpg
  11. The Yellow bars are kinda gay.........
  12. sorry man I need to close this, I dont make sigs anymore... they are pretty much the most pointless thing ever.... I might make you something to wear in your sig area but im not sure yet lol Also try posting a request in GFX help section. I need to close this...
  13. post a thumbnail..... and it doesnt matter if its to big the site will re size it...
  14. lol can you wait like a week and a half? I can give you money then...
  15. Stock please I thinks its a cool concept but I dont know exactly what you did..........
  16. CHEESE!!!! http://photos-a.ak.facebook.com/photos-ak-snc1/v312/103/8/522941797/n522941797_1387888_8004.jpg
  17. well It took me a while to get around to doing it. I cut it out just a few nights ago. And just to lt you let you know..... it works GREAT http://img294.imageshack.us/img294/1405/img2455ti0.jpg
  18. it says #Inspire* witch is my new name...........
  19. I havent posted anything in here in a while. I have been making lots of stuff but its all stuff for companys and such sooooooo........ yeah. I dont care if you hate it...... just posting it http://img517.imageshack.us/img517/2618/inspireava90v90ca8.png
  20. I would hope your not almost done...............
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