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Everything posted by Laxmonster54♥

  1. they all look kinda gross..... read some tuts...
  2. I think it should stay open. its a interesting topic. EVERYONE stay on topic...
  3. lol I have a keyloger on my computer.... my mom got it by downloading some stupid game. Doesnt really affect me it seems like just everyone else's accounts lol.
  4. lol thats what I said...
  5. Yeah. I know... its not final. Im still working on it. I can do better I might just re draw...
  6. lol... I like it. Make it bigger and add some color...
  7. Or on the side of the wall
  8. I made it all. I didnt even go off of a template.... I just did it.... o and I just did it because I was bored.... its not for school..
  9. alright well its my first ever so dont laugh... I guess I could spend more time on it but Im tired http://img214.imageshack.us/img214/2532/webpageld1.jpg
  10. no it doesnt... you have to be patient and take your time Ill show you the final result later this week
  11. Im making it into a stencil... lol
  12. Yeah Just say @#%$ it and go for it.... thats how you get your first GF thats how you do your first flip into the pool, thats how you drop in on your new skateboard ramp....
  13. lol I said ignore the rest... lol I think I will put the tree on a peace of poster board so it will be like 2x3 feet big....
  14. So its a small version. I drew it in Photography today. Im going to make it huge tell me what you think...(Its just the tree ignore the rest...) http://img182.imageshack.us/img182/6922/inspirestenciluk4.jpg
  15. Yeah Same Im rocken out with Illy.... I like it a lot more.... As for the pic. I think Georges face is to wide.
  16. I have a idea.... Make this into a GFX Site....
  17. I lost it when I lost my site......for no reason.
  18. well what ever... I talked to him last night.......he doesnt care.... talk to him if you want...
  19. nope.... it was Noodle but he spelled it It funny and it was NOT Inspire me. that was my idea.....
  20. Yes. I have made a little over 400 CHLAX has made the rest.
  21. http://img353.imageshack.us/img353/9917/inspiremeprolf5.png Its for my design company. Me and My friend are running this buisness form or Graphic design class. so far we have done logos for wedding websites Rift clothing and a few off jobs. all together around 1000 made in the past month... what do you guys think? Edit: Its owned by me and CHLax..... some of you guys may remember him.
  22. looks good. the planet at the very end looks like s*** though...
  23. No he's right. I agree with him
  24. I do stencils..... maybe Ill post some sometime....
  25. Its pretty Smexy.... Its also probably going to be my Last SIG....
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