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Everything posted by fattwam

  1. Was thinking of getting this to play downloaded games online on my xbox that i dont care if it gets banned.
  2. lol, awesomeness
  3. Headlong was awesome, too bad its not gonna have all the old cheats... They really should add a golden hog somewhere outside the map.
  4. Nothing annoyed me yet today, i just wanted to fit in a post in this thread
  5. fattwam


  6. Welcome
  7. oh wow 4 years old.
  8. Oh dam, 134k shouts. cause it was crazy active back then... I almost miss all the hacking's lol
  9. bah... i was hoping this wouldn't happen.
  10. I still got Database backups from back in 2008, i should make a board and apply the backup to see where we were at.
  11. Yeah .co.nr lol i remember we had to display their little banner thing to use them.
  12. Top Halo site yeah lol voting everyday.
  13. But it was awesome, i remember everyone hated moving to ibotmodz.net. we switched like 5 times cause the new site would start then we would change to something else. Everything we used was free based and we still were successful.
  14. fattwam

    Server Move

    Any restrictions on CPU or Disk Space ? Cause $40 for only 1GB Ram and 500GB Bandwidth is crazy expensive.
  15. fattwam

    Server Move

    Just asking price cause im a reseller of a few big companies and if your good at being a sysadmin then could probably get you a good price on un-managed dedi or vps. Or you could host IBM on my server again god knows im not using all the resources. Also lol at your personal site using the old index page you made, That was awesome back when you first made it.
  16. Lol i remember cheating at the games in the arcade to get crazy amounts of gold. Once i downloaded a pack that said something like "60 Arcade games" but when i applied them to the site is was just 60 different versions of Mahjong was like dam...
  17. haha yeah Snail made that, i remember the vid of the week. That was awesome.
  18. http://i.imgur.com/WcYLr.jpg The Happy 2nd Birthday news Topic lol Found it on Google
  19. fattwam

    Server Move

    Mind revealing server specs and price ?
  20. Wow 15 pages legal notice, Microsoft only sent me a 1 page notice about 343industries.
  21. I already knew about this... But yeah its definitely weird.
  22. I want all of those, how lucky would it be to be born in the next generation when all this is just normal.
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