Meh this was already bumped... But i don't even have an ipod and the only iphones i got were scamming apple out of iphone4s when they were still new. Kinda wish i kept 1 and not sold them all...
I watched this on the news this morning, it was only $180k then. Kids like this piss me off. Did you hear it started out as only wanting to reach 5k to send her on vacation, see the internet is not always evil.
How's 3.3.1 ? Saw the messages saying i should upgrade but only applies the security patch for 3.2.x i dunno if there will be any skin issues. But ill probably do it soon same witht he shoutbox.
Je n'ai pas mis à jour mon forum encore mais je vais probablement quand la sortie de la prochaine mise à jour pour elle comme je n'aime pas essayer les versions 0.0.0.