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Everything posted by fattwam

  1. http://ih0.redbubble.net/work.7092703.1.sticker,220x200-pad,220x200,f8f8f8.portal-2-im-different-v1.png
  2. I dunno if i remember you but welcome back regardless.
  3. I thought i posted in this but i guess i lagged and it didn't go though, but yeah these are good i liked em.
  4. Hey who knows maybe 343 will let us mod like we did in the old day
  5. aww no smiles in profile status :(
  6. I still own you, dont forget it :blackie:
  7. Wow that pretty crazy, also lol at them making him a cake.
  8. Yay whats our next milestone ?
  9. Welcome
  10. Welcome
  11. IV been thinking about doing something like this but make it more fair for the user. instead of me earning like 80% profits what if this is taken down to like 10%. Get 1 user to do maybe something simple as 3-5 things. 1 Submit email which would earn me $1 2 Submit address earning me $3 3 Maybe a cell phone submit with pin verification which could earn $5 - $7 maybe some others. prices of 1months have gone up but still might be able to make something simple like $1 per 1 month and the user in turn gets the 1 month for free. I dunno just something iv been thinking about.
  12. oh my god... lmao
  13. Looks like the images you posted have Hotlink protection.
  14. Yeah cool find, learn something new everyday
  15. her we go again lol
  16. June 8th test day yeah ?
  17. Nice, FDC just started charging $1 per extra IP after offering free ips for years. Cant wait till everything worldwide is updated and their is an excess of IP's again.
  18. phew, im not alone
  19. Welcome
  20. lol no one is playing reach
  21. fattwam


    i plus oned ya
  22. fattwam


  23. Last time i posted in this thread i was 17 now im 20. lol
  24. New project doing great, 932202 Page views in only 7 days.
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