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Everything posted by fattwam

  1. lol no rush id be stuck in the dark without you, im eager to play but iv had the console in this state for so long an extra few days wont make any difference.
  2. Sounds good thanks bud
  3. lol was just wondering what to listen to, perfect
  4. Finally was able to connect, was reading over our IRC chat and finally realized you said efnet. I kept joining freenode. Got the 2 files but one is over the 4MB limit so i uploaded them to a server. freeBOOT v0.032 (xbins /XBOX 360/development/freeBOOT/) http://fattwam.com/random/freeBOOT-0.032.zip Kernel 9199 files (xbins /XBOX 360/development/freeBOOT/) http://fattwam.com/random/9199.zip
  5. awesome i can't wait when ready just tell me where to download or FTP it back to my server. Now im getting excited
  6. I have emailed you my key number if that's all you need.
  7. Muhahaha got it Hook up plug and play and plugged it into the back usb port and start the console with the wireless controller plugged into the plug and play with HDD connected and it started Xell im guessing and not the dash. I dunno what im looking for here but this must be it.
  8. Meant to post this too
  9. With HDD pluged in i Started console from: Eject - Regular Dash Held Eject - Regular Dash Held Power - Starts then stops Tap Power - Regular Dash Start with Wireless Controller - Regular Dash No HDD Plugged in Eject - Regular Dash Held Eject - Regular Dash Tab Power - Regular Dash Hold Power - Start then stop Start with Wireless controller - Regular Dash Only Power, Video, Ethernet plugged in and using wireless controller with and without HDD plugged in Found this on Xbox360iso Though i don't have a wired controller, is this the only method you think ? What type of wired controller should i use ? just regular M$ wired im guessing and not plug and play.
  10. Xellous v1.0 just has a NFO page, it says the size but no download. Xell Updater v1.0 XeLL-Updater-v1.1.rar Xell Reloaded v0.991 XeLL_Reloaded-2stages-v0.991.tar.gz
  11. Sorry Peaches but i have no idea what the old versions are or what to download I searched for Xellous and found XeLLous v1.0 but there is only a NFO Searching for Xell found me this XeLL Reloaded v0.991 xell-reloaded-2stage-2011-09-23 XeLL Reloaded 28-08-2011 XeLL Updater V1.2 XeLL Updater v1.1 XeLL Updater V1.0 XeLLous v1.0 Xell SVN 09-11-09 Xell-DHCP-1024x786-VGA-Xenon King Kong Shader exploit for XeLL XeLL - Xbox360 linux bootloader Twam
  12. Ok then, xbins appears up for me though ? Want me to get anything or if it's just your ip tell me your IP and i can give you access to Squid if you like. Thanks again
  13. I believe i have the Falcon one. Inside Flash360 or one of the xex's i ran i remember it telling me falcon i think. Plus looking at the back the Power socket looks like the falcon one, but where the little box is ok the Zephyr there is very small numbers b17 but not a box. So i think it's safe to say the falcon. Here's another useless fuzzy pic too
  14. fattwam

    er what

  15. I can't wait to play it, im hoping for a nice mix between good graphs such as GTA 4, lots of things to do like San Andreas, and a good story like Vice City. Though im sure if i played vice city now after so many years the story might not be quite as good as i remember it to be lol.
  16. I don't watch Movies Though currently watching the last season of House
  17. Ok just sent you the email
  18. Almost done, i had my utorrent open and my upload went down to a sad 24KB/s but now we are back in action That's what i was afraid of, should be secure enough though. Only you will have access.
  19. It's 80MB so im FTPing it to my Server and will email you FTP details to download it. I didn't know if this needs to be secure so i put it above the web root so you will need to FTP.
  20. Ok then, just tell me what to download if you want me to try something Or i could upload the files if needed. Thank you
  21. That actually used to happen more ofter before the 360 and with the original xbox. Now the codes you buy in a store (Not in one of those Clam shell cases that are impossible to open) are only activated when the cashier checks it out. Meaning the code will only start working after purchase which still makes it possible for someone to randomly get it but the time frame the code is active is much less now then back with 2 month codes that could be active before the sale.
  22. I have taken them one by one 6 times and now have the files "flashdmp_1" all the way to "flashdmp_6" in a folder on my PC. Every time it reads with the same 1 error Reading 0x1080000 Bytes (16 MiB) ERROR: Reading block 213 status 250 Reading block 3FF of 3FF, Overall progress: 100% finished
  23. I have downloaded and ran Flash360 and selected backup nand to file. It started copying said error reading block 213 status 250, reading block 3ff of 3ff, overall progress 100%. Now in the usb i have a flashdmp.bin file
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