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Everything posted by fattwam

  1. Ah nice, join dates I remember back then when i used to post more... :troll:
  2. Hello, Welcome to our humble abode... Feel free to take a look around. There are no plans to down ibotmodz i couldn't allow peaches to do such a thing lol
  3. See that's what i hated though, even after the TU came out matchmaking was still full of game types that were not TU.
  4. I was talking Matchmaking, The Campaign does look good and CEA campaign being basically halo 1 was good but the reach multiplier wasn't then got worse after they seemed to revert some of the changed the made the CEA playlist good in the first place.
  5. I see it, iv been busy with a few things but will do this probably tomorrow and let you know how it goes.
  6. I don't remember you but whats up
  7. Meh, im not sure. If its like reach/cea/even odst i don't think it will be good.... Well maybe it might be good but im not sure if it will be Halo.
  8. BOT !!!! What happened to your signature and profile image ???
  9. I dunno what it is but it looks cool
  10. lol yep but that's ok Im just happy its getting done so i can start downloading games again
  11. Sounds good thanks bud, ill be able to play all the new 360 games too
  12. Yep this was the first thing i tried, i already had all the compatibility files and still nothing worked. After peaches helped me upgrade to the latest xbr i can play original xbox games again but now hes helping me switch and upgrade to freeboot.
  13. Wrong section lawl.... Install Action Replay, plug in everything doesn't matter if you are using the legit AR memory card or a USB stick. Open and run the following program and find the the proper port where the card/usb is plugged into. Look for the following and save the aaaa and bbbb characters. idVendor: 0xAAAA idProduct: 0xBBBB USBVIEW.EXE Go to your action replay driver folder in program files/datel/Action replay/ drivers and edit the driver file. In there scroll down to the devices list and on the first like only edit the VID to the AAAA characters and the PID to the BBBB characters then save the file. Go to device manager and find the device and update the driver to the file you edited in to AR drivers folder... Start AR and it should work PS, This does work on Windows 7 but i was only able to get it on 32bit and not 64 as the driver does not want to work properly in x64.
  14. lol s7 i remember when they were a bunch of noobs... WAIT !? Their still a bunch of noobs
  15. I uploaded them and PMed your the FTP info
  16. When i login to the Web UI and try to download Raw Flash it downloads fine and i have the fine but on the xbox it says ! SFCX: Bad block found at 00000213 Do you want me to send you this file ?
  17. Looks like Xell is updated as i can now boot into it just by using the eject button and not needing to use the wired controller. Can also access the web panel now. Though using flash360 and backing up the nand i still get the error Reading 0x1080000 Bytes (16 MiB) ERROR: Reading block 213 status 250 Reading Block 3FF of 3FF, Overall progress 100% Finidhed Press any button to continue Still want these ?
  18. Ok i did it and everything seemed to go good, i restarted the console so i think iv upgradated XBR. Now freeboot ? Thanks again
  19. Oh ok then, lol shows you how much i know about this I should be back in like 30 min and ill see if i can figure it out, is it just like when i used fladsh360 to get the image now just writing instead of saving ?
  20. Thanks Man, just downloaded it now. Ill let you know how it goes, im gonna flash it in a hour when im done work
  21. Thanks bud, i don't mean to make it sound like im in a rush or anything just.... ooo cant wait to mod some H2
  22. Dell will probably have their summer deals soon but the following not being their deal prices are still not bad. You could get a 17Inch screen with a 1TB HDD, a Intel Core-i5 and 8GB RAM and the final price with taxes (dell has free shipping) would be within your range. Update: as peaches said i would still recommend just reinstalling your OS of choice so you don't have to deal with the free stuff. Besides if you are using windows you would put on Ultimate and not Home or Professional like they give you.
  23. I can't wait till people get over their issues with science, things like stem cells and such would bring amazing things.
  24. I don't understand lol
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