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Everything posted by fattwam

  1. Thanks for all the help Otherwise i might as well be walking through the woods with a bucket on my head.
  2. Unfortunately Youtube has changed the Song so it no longer plays nicely with suitable music. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C9_86hXtIR4
  3. lol sorry Xell Updator for Freeboot v1.2 *** Incorrect Kernel Version*** You are currently on version 8955 This release only supports the following 5 versions. Lists the versions Press Y to exit.
  4. Hmm seems this is more difficult then i hoped, now i got this error. Someone told me i might need a wired controller hooked up to the back usb to boot the modded dash, though i don;t have one currently i will get one if required.
  5. When i start the console with the eject button it just boots up the dash
  6. Great thanks for the info, any tutorials on actually making the new img and re flashing ? I took the noob route and got this thing as is and didn't flash it myself.
  7. When i go to console setting is says Dashboard 2.0.8955.0. I dunno if its helpful but loading up xexmenu says smc version 2.3.
  8. I just copied and replaced what i downloaded from the link your posted to "/HddX/Compatibility/" but still when i load the game it asks for a System Update.
  9. I downloaded and copied over the u15 files but still when i load up the game i get this error.
  10. I have to be honest, i came to this thread saw the preview image got scared then left lol. Came back to post this to tell ya
  11. Hmm, this is happening with not only Halo 2 from the HDD. I just put in Killtrocity map pack 1 dick and it the white screencam up where it shows the old xbox logo and about to start the game and i get the Update Required message. Not a game update but a System update, i clicked on no don't apply the update and again just goes to a black screen and never does anything. Doesn't freeze i can still bring up the menu and go to dash but doesn't load. Update: I just put the retail Halo 2 disk back in and now im unable to load that up either. I get the system update message and when i click don't update it just goes black and hangs. 2ndUpdate: Maybe just the console needs to be updated ? This thing is really old, i dunno what version but its still the grey and green dash.
  12. Yeah on my Jtag. That would be great, i can't wait to start doing some of the old good mods on XBC again. Thanks Peaches Twam
  13. Im trying to play Halo 2 off of the HDD and not the disc so i can mod everything. So i created a Xbox1 Folder inside of HDD1 and Put the whole of Halo 2 in there. First when loading it up i got a generic error about the game not being able to start and go to xbox.com so i uploaded the patched "Compatibility" files. Now when trying to start the game it seems to load without the first error but then i get a message saying a system update is available if you decline you will be signed out of live (not that im signed in live). I click on NO, Dont update but then the screen just does blank and the game does not load. Im able to play the Game from the disk but can't seem to start it from the HDD and i dunno why.
  14. I was always wondering why a game company didn't come up with this and basically be a browser arcade game. They would make tons of money if it worked well, heck they could even come out with plugins and charge more for those. Bleep Bloop... 100k pages viewed. lol
  15. No i was asking about my 360 but my friend doesn't have a jtag and wants to mod like we used to in h2 so was wondering if he could do it with his 360 but if not i think he can get one of the original ones for cheap if he doesn't still have his original console.
  16. Hmm what is i use a original xbox ? Just resign with a h2 map signer then go or still not ?
  17. Hmm i got another question that pertains to this. I can access my xbox (not jtag just regular xbox) files through xport or whatever. Since you can't freely download them from live being not able to go on halo 2 i still have all the maps on my computer. If i just transfer them to my xbox and put them where they should go can i load them up without any problems ? Im wanting to do some xbc modding.
  18. Im scared as i hate IE but knew it would happen cause its Microsoft.
  19. wtf slow motion xD
  20. Happy 4th, I'm Canadian though.
  21. fattwam

    New Theme

    I don't see it. Stupid me had to do a hard refresh, looks good
  22. I saw something like this before. People modding the graphics with their crazy gaming rigs. It looks awesome just wait till the retail game consoles have crazy stats... might be a few years.
  23. I remember ftping with my browser when i didn't have that cracked copy of flashfxp that came with UMPv5. To this day i still use the UMPv5 cracked flash lol
  24. I don't know sorry
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