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Everything posted by fattwam

  1. yes seems to be loading a lot better now. Just like when is was on my box
  2. thought we were really slow.
  3. Welcome
  4. friend works at rogers im getting a great deal
  5. Where are you located ? Get rogers. http://www.speedtest.net/result/1255931981.png
  6. what have you been up to ?
  7. Banned for double posting. oops wrong thread laggy ibotmodz
  8. Any help is appreciated, even if its only for Google ads and not all ad companies.
  9. just wait till all consoles have dual quad cores with 24 gb ram and 1gbps is the standard home connection.
  10. hey nub
  11. Great Thanks
  12. fattwam

    Ban game

    Banned for thinking girls are on the interwebs
  13. Hy, Basically what i want is a script so when a user views a website though my proxy the proxy will detect any Ad code and replace it with my own code. But it would have to be able to replace the appropriate code with my corresponding code. Such as if there is an ad being displayed that is a banner 728*90 i need it to be replaced with my 728*90 banner, same with box 250*250 and so on and so forth. I would want this to detect many ad types such as Google, Yahoo, Right Media, Clicksor, Bidvertiser, and others. Im pretty sure that this should be done using JavaScript replace but im not entirely sure. Any help appreciated.
  14. Welcome to you as well
  15. Each are in their own league, no contest.
  16. fattwam

    Ban game

    Banned for not making the image for me to do so.
  17. fattwam

    Ban game

    banned for making me lulz
  18. fattwam

    Ban game

    Banned for not showing gratitude
  19. fattwam

    Ban game

    Banned for using my emoticons
  20. fattwam

    Ban game

    Banned for having a blue name, pink is obviously better
  21. Hello and welcome
  22. fattwam

    Site Move

  23. I own 343Industries
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