iBotModz has been offline for over a day for me, Why would they just stop all of our traffic and wait out the attack that doesn't seem like good ddos migration.
thanks i just bought 2 years for $24 plus ta, teried to do more but then it started saying "This action cannot be performed at this time. Please try again later. For more information, go to http://www.xbox.com/support."
Exactly, its the not knowing thats the worst and why shouldn't they show us what is there to hide. Governments bring on all these conspiracy theory themselves when they pull shit like this.
10 years, Close to $2'000'000'000'000.00, Thousands and Thousands of deaths and America was about to kill 1 guy... Never the less... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IhnUgAaea4M
Back in the day Neopets was the shit, hell i still got my account look at the age lmao Hmm 3211 days is equal to almost 9 years. http://i.imgur.com/IZqMq.png
Connecting with USB via a transfer cable and xport. Where can i download the a launcher ? i have no idea what i was using to be honest, i dont use my jtag much and someone did it for me