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Rogue Modder

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Everything posted by Rogue Modder

  1. "PS. ( That will get leaked next. You faggots suck at keeping s*** to yourself.)" Thilo is so dumb, yes they do, because; 1) They don't want faggots like him doing this 2) They don't want Halo Online Destroyed. >.<
  2. Sooo.... They remove the nice curves. What the... But, i do know someone with it and he says it's pretty good infact.
  3. Mapped: Slayer - 100% Territories - 100%
  4. Best app ever.
  5. Nah, i like that one
  6. Nah. Im getting better this way. Trust,
  7. Yo peaches, Unknown v2 is about to release his H3RTH. He's just patching XeX To stop it from coming online. So yeah, and im about to get my new dev and "someone" might be giving me a way to get it to xlink with jtags so hit me up over the next week.
  8. Used your logo and Click16 from remnant mods. Ill release it in a bit, im bust atm.
  9. I think he's using the 4chan term. Meaning Winner.
  10. Polygonal Faces. Polly = Polygon. And faces is the default setting when you convert to Poly
  11. stop at 28 seconds and mute: then play this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZThquH5t0ow
  12. yeah, lose the feeling
  13. Code at top is DSS's.
  14. Status: General - [100%] Slayer - [100%] Oddball - [100%] KotH - [0%] CTF - [100%] Assault - [0%] Territories - [100%] Juggernaut - [0%] Infection - [0%] VIP - [0%] Weapons and Vehicles - [100%] Current: http://pastebin.com/UT4v4Pst
  15. Nah, if you wana Mad online, play wif me and Peaches. And Send us feedback in terms of hate mail.
  16. shuuuup.
  17. I know, i was joking
  18. Jealously? And It was me and 2 girls.
  19. http://img191.imageshack.us/img191/9752/jizzverticalblanked.png
  20. lool. Yeah, that version is so uncomplete. But send it to me please i wana see how much is there. I might finish it if there is enough there ;x
  21. Right Click->Convert to Editable Polly. Select the faces settings. Then select the faces that are transparent and click "Flip" in the sidebar settings for polly's.
  22. lul. I want mine back. >.>
  23. When i'm sure of no bugs and iv used it for a bit so i can test it on a large scale.
  24. I know, ;p. Thanks for the Complement, but still i don't like this community.
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