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Rogue Modder

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Everything posted by Rogue Modder

  1. On avalanche everyone can see the man cannons.
  2. oh kk
  3. when i say mod i mean .map mods, not usermap xD
  4. Im making a fresh start on this site. Hi guys, My Name is Alex, i am 14 years old. I have been modding since about 2006 and programming since late 08. I know PHP, HTML, vB and a tiny amount of C#. I want to develope the Halo 3 Dev research of the site, and post my maps and what i have found. Cya around, Roguie
  5. not on avalanche, you ever scene mxriders mod???
  6. good, till i got to the cocks bit...
  7. Prob Can, will expirment later
  8. well you should know... jk
  9. so do i fag. >.<
  10. infact, lmao i will know by tonight.
  11. i know. im going to try to find out how, if not i remove them. but Ant tome me neither you or JIME do only him. Why are people flaming? im just trying to help and get some money to help even more in the future.
  12. i know JIME, i will capture card them with a gamertag that is the same as yours on Pnet PS editd prices of the videos
  13. i know it's not cheap but the faster i get moneys the faster i can make it cheaper
  14. nope didn't say flyable but i cap swap like the tanks or choppers for them lmao
  15. yh, good idea
  16. yh, but most people are not doing all i am doing.
  17. Sup guys, Rogue Modder here. I have just bought a XeNoN Developers Kit. Now to make some money to pay the money i bored back im selling mods! I am also trying to get Dark Slippy one, but i need moneys to, so yh. thanks. I will sell: Videos of YOU playing them. Campaign Game Saves of you playing a a Grunt, Brute w/e. and More... Prices are as follow: Vidoes of you: Campaign: $5 per 5 mins Multiplayer: $7 per 5 mins In the Mainmenu looking around and looking at the Recon and Bungie armour in the menu: $15 Campaign game saves: For a Grunt: $10 For a Brute: $10 For a ODST: $10 For a Jackel: $15 For a Banshee on levels you can't get them: $15 For a pelican: $20 For a AI swap: $20 For anything else: $20 Thanks, and Peace be with you! AIM: Rogue Modder MSN: r0gue@hotmail.co.uk "PS: I AM legit you can ask Dark Slipstream"
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