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Rogue Modder

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Everything posted by Rogue Modder

  1. It's called the iPhone 4, NOT iPhone 4G. Anyway, phone is epic in every way. i'm getting it.
  2. To about 3-4 people. Not that significant.
  3. Thanks for the confirmation, captain obvious.
  4. Ohhh, it's been disabkled, i forgot about that.
  5. http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs585.snc3/30871_1475754901988_1477190484_31244892_4018264_n.jpg ye.
  6. Ima raid my fiancé's bank? becaz i can yo. haha
  7. Me and a friend playing doubles and host booting; http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash1/hs472.ash1/25893_1422478319909_1171236368_1250187_2852716_n.jpg
  8. halo3, shut the fuck up. Does he say once that this post is just for you? No. So since this thread has no relevance to you, don't say you don't care, keep your opinions to yourself. Nobody wants to hear what you have to say. Also, -30 rep... From people like "you". No from people who don't care what your wasteful posts have to say.
  9. female? ye.
  10. i hate the next person to post a status
  11. Only like 5 people made made resigners.. All the others are stolen source or just reused source from those 5 people. Download X360.dll from http://skunkiebutt.com/ to see how it works.
  12. This game looks so amazing. It's unreal yo.
  13. Shows how much they want our amazing game eh.
  14. Could be another bug; I can only see IP.Board Mobile and Cleancut skins. Or are only 2 enabled for Members.
  15. owned.
  16. http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/index.php?app=core&module=usercp&tab=reachstat I get "banned users can't add gamertags"
  17. sooo, theater on Cortana with no hud, then you added hud. mhmm. tell tail sign's its fake; No flood, No spiker, Weird at points, just height. Oh and the XDK launcher clicks in then boots. Should have asked me to film this for you. lol.
  18. My Settings doesn't load either.
  19. you need me.
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