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Rogue Modder

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Everything posted by Rogue Modder

  1. You don't want mine.
  2. You are right, the 2 guys do need to turn down the auto tone alot. But iv heard hollie sing infront of me. She's alot better than them XD
  3. It's like joining a group. Just spreading the word They released a clip from one of there songs, since they are releasing the album next week i think; http://www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=1496810134177
  4. We know your gay Slidell, it's okay. We don't judge.
  5. Rogue Modder


    Friend of mine at college is in a band. And it's pretty good . If you could just like it, she will love you forever. http://www.facebook.com/pages/EverYoung/135131166519083?ref=ts
  6. [user]Rogue Modder[/user] [posts]1160[/posts] [rep]76[/rep] [groupid]8[/groupid] yeee
  7. haha, really?
  8. May i say i was there? London is the best.
  9. lul. http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs423.snc4/46628_124628090921429_100001227154374_141936_5467364_n.jpg
  10. That extra player data is used to detect players in a screenshot. So on Bnet, hover over a player and it'll tell you who it is. http://www.bungie.net/Stats/Reach/FileDetails.aspx?fid=661 Example, its 100% server generated. No user tagging is involved.
  11. Ill install it on my elite once my reach console comes. Personally i like it, i also like the improvements to load speed and xam.
  12. That profile: { "id": "743264502", "name": "Emre K\u00fc\u00e7\u00fckdumlu", "first_name": "Emre", "last_name": "K\u00fc\u00e7\u00fckdumlu", "link": "http://www.facebook.com/people/Emre-Kucukdumlu/743264502", "gender": "male", "locale": "en_US" }
  13. I added this to HaloMap.cs if (File.Exists(@"C:\Users\Alexx ily Reed\Desktop\Modding\Halo Reach\Map Offset Bullshit\" + map.Index_Items[0].Map.Map_Header.internalName)) { string[] IdentFile = File.ReadAllLines(@"C:\Users\Alexx Reed\Desktop\Modding\Halo Reach\Map Offset Bullshit\" + map.Index_Items[0].Map.Map_Header.internalName); for (int i = 0; i < fileNameOffsets.Length; i++) { bool has = false; String Currentline = null; foreach (string Currentlines in IdentFile) { if (Currentlines.StartsWith(map.Index_Items[i].Ident.ToString())) { has = true; Currentline = Currentlines; } } if (has == true) { map.Index_Items[i].Name = Currentline.Replace(map.Index_Items[i].Ident.ToString() + ",", ""); } else { map.Index_Items[i].Name = Convert.ToString(map.Index_Items[i].Ident) + " - EncryptedTAG"; } has = false; Currentline = null; } } Then made a file and added this to it in the directory it checks -1982065794,ai\ai_dialogue_globals -511377393,levels\multi\forge_halo\forge_halo_design -511836152,levels\multi\forge_halo\forge_halo -512098299,globals\globals So if the ident matched, it knows the proper name. It's a long and tedious process of mapping. But It's the only way at the moment.
  14. Nope.
  15. He means in stores. haha
  16. yup. More user friendly now/can tell what each tag is, but we always could read them, just tag filenames were encrypted. This is very improper as im just reading from a list of indent's i have mapped.
  17. http://img543.imageshack.us/img543/8038/ihuarduliakpenis.png
  18. Orrr, add a soft kill barrier on the top of the map so they can't get out and be annoying.
  19. Nice. BTW my blf info was just for blf Map Image files in the game, not screenshots. (grunt told me you said mine was, primitive to say the least.) Also, is it just me reading the info incorrectly in Hex Workshop or do screenshots now seem to store some basic Map and Player information?
  20. Sir, i see you on remnant, you are amazing
  21. Did you guys not see the Halo Reach Ad? haha
  22. College : Ashbourne College A1: Maths A1: Physics A1: Computing A1: Economics A2: Maths A2: Physics A2: Computing
  23. What about .XCP files? haha
  24. Can we ban him just because he's an annoying faggot?
  25. Not porn, but he is a freak. Id rather see a naked Noble six (because he/she is whoever you want him/her to be), or at-least anyone bit the dam Mexican >.>
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