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Rogue Modder

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Everything posted by Rogue Modder

  1. What happened to this scene? >.<
  2. You didn't read about my error D:
  3. I see an error Peaches, It says im VIP, shouldn't i be Blue? gawd dammit.
  4. Don't even talk about my hair. DON'T DO IT!
  5. he my idol.
  6. http://img210.imageshack.us/img210/5847/gollehwoggeh.jpg http://img186.imageshack.us/img186/1186/gollehwoggehbw.png
  7. Pre ordering Xbox and Legendary Today<3
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XCcmrL29WII Download: Forge World ViDoc http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E8uv20rbZBc Download: Reach XBox Unboxing
  9. ah. okay.
  10. You can take drugs, arn't you cool.
  11. I was thinking on getting the MD5 hash of the current XeX In use (to prevent people just changing the name from default.xex), and checking it on the server, if its different, then fail to load the map.
  12. Gay Marriage: For. Iraq War: Against. Abortion: For. Shup. Its perfectly fine. Just like a woman, you just mad.
  13. Barack Obama with a soundboard. ye.
  14. You gotta preorder the game and they email you a code, then cancel the order. Free code (i think anyway).
  15. faggot. http://avatar.xboxlive.com/avatar/Caii%20Me%20Aiexx/avatar-body.png
  16. You really are unconscionably stupid.. Its almost the same engine, if people can mod from the end of Halo 3, they can mod from the start of Reach. So Reach (GotY nomination) would be ruined and flawed by retards. I hope the KV pool dries up soon.
  17. Rogue Modder


    veryyy niceeee
  18. I had the same error as you, then i used iAtkos v7. Worked first time.
  19. I made the dock tiny and magnify when the mouse goes over it.
  20. Rogue Modder


    wooow. ilike
  21. I just installed it on my HP Pavilion DV2 laptop, since i take it around doing photography. :3
  22. http://img837.imageshack.us/img837/3908/snapshot20100719220047.png
  23. nah, iv just been relaxing recently.
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