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Rogue Modder

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Everything posted by Rogue Modder

  1. I copy everyone? lulwot.
  2. He can't do that, he's using a 360. He can't copy the whole game to HDD.
  3. I doooooo. I'll probably just leech off of it for sexy stuffsicals but whatever ;x
  4. The Thread Title is wrong.. It's Xbox 360 Dumb Repairs
  5. Bring it on faggot. ;x
  6. orly. Don't make me sit on your dick yo.
  7. you can't anymore.
  8. apart from a leaked post on assembler about the 2012 PS4's chipset
  9. Zala, lets make a thread in VIP :3
  10. No. A new console would be stupid right now. Also, moar devkits to buy? No thanks. Projection of Halo's Releases would mean it gets released 2011-2012. Also the PS4 is coming out 2012
  11. ima rape yooh wif a cucumber!
  12. I like changing names :3
  13. Last day of pedobear desktop :'(
  14. Watching a bunch of niggers running around, sweating with balls they have stolen? no thanks.
  15. wana get the offsets, decryption and information to poke for me? yee.
  16. Weapons; Battle Rifle Pistol Equipment; Plasma Frag Perks; Skill
  17. This is a bump, but your code is special.. WebBrowser1.Navigate(Textbox1.Text); that works fine..
  18. .::Facebook URL Stalker::. By Xerax http://gagefaulkner.com/xerax/Computers/FacebookStalker/Splash.png How to Use; From URL; Copy in the URL direct "http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash1/hs271.ash1/*****_************_**********_*******_********_*.jpg Press Lets Go! Watch it grab all the info you need to stalk girls. From Picture; Double click the label under the Text Box and then press OK. Then copy the full name of the Image ie "25884_1155331622132_1792972409_298946_6039110_n.jpg" Press Lets Go! Watch it grab all the info you need to stalk girls, right from the image name. Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JhSr611VdQs Download; Click here. k Enjoy -Xerax
  19. ya rite.
  20. yeee. Oh and Jester says im ginger... >.< http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs035.snc3/12308_1403060594478_1171236368_1198486_439425_n.jpg
  21. laaall http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs631.snc3/31655_1469546976596_1171236368_1366984_4425887_n.jpg
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