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Rogue Modder

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Everything posted by Rogue Modder

  1. Why would i sell it? Its easy todo and i hate this community now. It's all "oh you could sell this", "only $9 for litetime access, enjoy our stolen code". Ugg, pisses me off. It should all be free/open source.
  2. A Clone of the Apple Software Update. Im not sure if im going to open source it or anything. Its simple, has alot of features and is practical as it doesn't mean you have to code a enw auto updater each time you make an application just write a description and update the master ini file. Features; Adds Applications to Start Menu's All Programs All Stored in Registery Mostly server based so no need for a Updater update upon each release Can hold/Update asmany as the server can handle at a time. Looks like Apples Updater Creates Shortcut on Desktop. Errors; None. ToDo: Get a logo Pictures; http://img688.imageshack.us/img688/9106/66534046.png http://img692.imageshack.us/img692/6647/17570198.png
  3. Some kids really are so sad.
  4. They were very incomplete/lacking setting weren't they?
  5. Aerial Photos are of London, The rest are Athens, Greece.
  6. http://img28.imageshack.us/img28/9718/dsc0101yz.jpg http://img27.imageshack.us/img27/8428/dsc0018tf.jpg http://img52.imageshack.us/img52/8177/dsc0015bz.jpg http://img59.imageshack.us/img59/8116/dsc0034lz.jpg http://img27.imageshack.us/img27/8097/dsc0046kl.jpg http://img52.imageshack.us/img52/4279/dsc0045cb.jpg http://img27.imageshack.us/img27/2673/dsc0079te.jpg http://img15.imageshack.us/img15/6863/dsc0100nj.jpg http://img594.imageshack.us/img594/4329/dsc0076xx.jpg http://img94.imageshack.us/img94/4491/dsc0066qt.jpg http://img31.imageshack.us/img31/9561/dsc0085jx.jpg http://img80.imageshack.us/img80/1007/dsc0080pl.jpg http://img9.imageshack.us/img9/461/dsc0086do.jpg
  7. There are 2, 6a/6b's >.< Peaches fix. And its not really. Its just don't say se7ensins is full of faggo's, but don't talk about modio.
  8. So in summary. Microsoft made a better xbox? We all knew that idiot.
  9. No they don't. There are two rules. One defining size of the image in pixels, the other i terms of bytes.
  10. Research? lulwot. Thats not research.
  11. yo bro. I think you missed me in the credits. ;x
  12. I love how in Bnet Update it says "...Now, the first Release Candidate won’t end up being the final shipping product, but it’s a significant step on getting Reach from us, to you, hopefully without leaking in France."
  13. They have idents they have swapped (If you ever modded Halo 2 in Hex you would understand). The Idents are swapped and loaded into memory and used on all maps so i believe.
  14. {c27} is the difficulty String loading into memory. The other stuff is lobby titles they renamed. Simple stuff.
  15. I lol'd. Thats a watermark idiot. He changed Idents in the XeX Globals, is what i think.
  16. Why are you not in prison?
  17. They don't really looked forged. Only time will tell though.
  18. Rogue Modder

    PS3 ID's

  19. http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs035.snc4/34125_109197202464518_100001227154374_64469_7904519_n.jpg yeye.
  20. Thats video editing. As you cant hold objectives in AA's. Hes holding a shotgun if you look.
  21. People are just going to mod it back to dirt and mud. lul.
  22. Yes... wxpirs. But You want to crack the RSA sign key allowing you to resign the package? ye
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