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Rogue Modder

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Everything posted by Rogue Modder

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=60Jeumq1oFE onoes.
  2. Master Chief escaped from reach and found halo, after he had destroyed it? Somethings wrong here.
  3. TTG are like. Special people, that get spoon fed.
  4. Nightfire <3 awhhh, all the days playing that. Such a good game. Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jg1QMo4VKVE
  5. MOAR! (Updated with details, and a more complete design due to the new picture; http://imageups.com/files/265/Final%2021.jpg http://imageups.com/files/265/Final%201.jpg
  6. Everyone who has to read your post. ;x
  7. where do you get your blowjobs? dammmm
  8. He doesn't want to waist his money... How about you shut up in future when you answer with your idotic and attempted intelligent answer. okay? good. I never played MAG, but i heard it wasn't much fun and laggy, but look for some gameplay on youtube
  9. You cheap skate. I offer $1.50
  10. Saw the Mortar Cannon from Reach (http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs335.snc3/29360_396538171343_13905281343_4438306_7911893_n.jpg), had to remake it. This is about 2 hours work, might add more detail. http://imageups.com/files/265/Final%202.jpg http://imageups.com/files/265/Final.jpg
  11. :3 Should i get steam?
  12. My GOD. Im so jealous <3
  13. Doesn't your hair cause chafing during sex? ;x
  14. hot dammmm Star Wars Battlefront/Ratchet & Clank feel. And I gotta admit, i'm loving it. Loving the music, loving the gameplay, loving the graphics. Not so much liking, well nothing. <3Bungie.
  15. but it contains files that are signed to your account I believe.
  16. This thread is so much fucking win.
  17. Time to use Facebook URL Stalker; http://www.facebook.com/Aaron.M.Daniels
  18. you should get on live
  19. I don't look like a trucker. fuck you. ;x
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