You think he'd get the point, when even the members of the site are mad at him. Talk to an admin if you want to be unbanned, as for now this post is closed.
such youth... If you need your homework now, i consider slapping that harddrive into another computer and copying it to a flash drive. As for getting that problem fixed, try booting your computer in safe mode, and use the adminisator account. Moved to the right forum.
Umm... Okay? Do you even know who Melo is? I've known him for quite a while now, and i know he's done stuff like this before. Don't act like we are all in the wrong when you don't even know what we are talking about.
Honestly i $%#^%# hate the song, used to hear it everyday on the radio, and i honestly don't care about someones emotions if they are so straight forward with them. I think its for people with a poor taste in music and just follows the crowd, not saying that about you DS.
The chart wasn't to scale or anything, i just find this site making me less and less erect everyday. LOL. Starting to get sick of it actually, I don't mod halo 3, and i don't waste 8 hours a day on here. We need something fresh and exciting, or else... i might have to grow up and leave lol.
Dark Master, Evilmon (or something), MasterSnail, millertime, snypz, blacklabelfosho, BlackSpark (RIP), and i can't think of the others. That's why were dead