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Xx Legacy xX

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Everything posted by Xx Legacy xX

  1. Thank you he mostly overdosed on morafine (sorry if thats spelled wrong) and he was drunk. But this week and weekend have been crap my sister just got date raped. but i dont know much about that there still trying to find the @#%$ heads.
  2. Thank you for the kind post, but i know he thought he was going to sleep and his heart just stopped. so i am glad he did not suffer but he just died this weekend so i dont know that much.
  3. One of my close friends died this weekend, his name was Paul and was great guy that everybody loved, he was so smart, and had his whole life to live. But he made the wrong friends and they kept on pressuring him to do drugs after he became clean, he over dosed on drugs this weekend. He had so much ahead for him and he killed it and died at the young age of 22. But please don't ruin your life by doing drugs. He died on December 6 i found out on Saturday. RIP Paul please no rude comments. Update with pics
  4. Ya i am in lol so we are using photoshop or paint? lol join my battle also.
  5. I dont think it was anarchy hacked, maybe i am just denying it because he is my buddy but i dont think he would. Dont freak out by this comment, ITS MY OPINION, PS anarchy was the one that said stfu its the internet!! Lol he did not not not not, lol kinda random but i hate the people in my classes they say ps3 is better than 360 and the wii is better to. they are dumb dumb.......ttyl for now
  6. first one one of your best
  7. [marquee:2ae1py68]YAYA i is cool [/marquee:2ae1py68]
  8. you are all wrong add is awesome under it
  9. lol u can post those programs in vip
  10. ShadowMU
  11. You suck!! lol and my teamates said can i join ur party
  12. CamStudio records activity from your screen and audio from a microphone into AVI video files and can also convert the AVIs into Streaming Flash videos (SWFs) using its built-in SWF Producer. Umm witch means you can record what you do what you do on your screen. Download: http://sourceforge.net/project/showfile ... _id=318532 just extract the file you download
  13. no, thats saying my whole team lol, i thought that at first to, do you want to see the vid i saved it?
  14. I shoulda got a overkill but bungie was like "no overkill for u!!" Kills -----Assists ----Deaths---- K/D Spread---- Suicides---- Betrayals---- Score 24-------3----------4----------+20 ------------0 ----------0 ------------24 10 double kills 4 tripple kills, KILLING FRENZY!!! 4 DEATHS!! I PWN!!!! lol http://www.bungie.net/Stats/GameStatsHa ... Tazz%20Cat
  15. ÃâàÃâàÃâàÃâà[Oscar] 7:19 am: Perhaps I'm just expressing my own concern about it. Do you have any conditions I should know about? [Xx Legacy xX] 7:19 am: i am retarded ÃâàÃâàÃâàÃâà[Oscar] 7:19 am: I am glad to hear that you are retarded. Lol
  16. yay!! lol i am happy! I am going to make another 1
  17. I like it it simple but great, i love simple work cause usually it has more concept then a sig. blacklable (look no cap XD) lol look at my new arts (calling them sigs is over rated )
  18. Xx Legacy xX


    lol i am not going to lie i wanted the spam section to have a post
  19. I am already making a montage, but lol GEEVEE says its doing an update lol does it say that for you??
  20. all of those are completely right especially the trip mine it sux you forgot one thing, they need nukes lol but i think halo 3 is ok, but i wish it had constant action like gow, and plus they got rid of team snipers >.< lol
  21. Common cesar your gving your self a bad rep, i still like you but common man your being an @ssH#$%
  22. ya legacy i told you in the cbox to PM it to me , id be glad to post something for anyone just PM me oh i posted this before i found out i was a vip member =P lol right after i posted this i saw
  23. lol yes i am done peaches
  24. YAYA FtW lol i'll go post this on tech gfx But heres another paint thingy http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/3493-457.jpg
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