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Xx Legacy xX

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Everything posted by Xx Legacy xX

  1. He's magic O.o jkjk photoshop pen tool
  2. lol whatever floats your boat.
  3. those are the wanna bes' then again a bunch of my friends are gang bangers so.... do you like screamo? or punk or rap i luv all
  4. @#%$ emo's though (no effence to any) but some stupid kid thought i was emo i was where 34 waste and 38 legth i dressed gangster that day i started laughing
  5. i did have hair like yours just not dyed then i grew it long now i am cutting it people call me emo rofl i am not
  6. DUDE finally well i ahve a couple old pics... from like 2 or 3 years ago http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/5403-221.jpg halloween a couple years ago http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/5403-222.jpg i will egt a recent pic of me
  7. blahh no, ive been there a whole bunch of times the only time a really got my ass kicked is when this 18 year old dropped me and started smashing my face of the mat.
  8. Yay i am joining muay thai, if you do not know what muay thai is, it's a form of kick boxing except rougher. and when you get on the ground you just get waled on. Ive been boxing for 2 years now so i want to try that. Its going to be kick ass. -Legacy
  9. s*** me too, i am on a mission!! GET ANARCHY BACK. uhhhm most the stuff i have wanted to do ive done eg. go in toysrus and spill skiddles on the flour and run way yelling "DO YOU TASTE THE RAINBOW" -Legacy
  10. i would of laughed but i have seen that video millions of times so if it was my first time watching it i would of probably laughed.
  11. Welcome to the site, i noticed no one was replying on your topic so i commented : but i hope you you stay active on iBotModz. -Legacy
  12. wow.....i said in my original post i worked really hard....but it sucked. But you know how much i changed her? dude she had like a una boob and ***** hair, blotchi face, like s*** now that i see that i see this compared to the stock like wow, the stock is gone >.> but it was very unsuitable CLOSED *hahaha first closed topic bitches* sorry just had to say that but i think you guys know why its closed. PS. when leavin comment to just say *i dont like it* *be like i dont like it because________and you should work on this____________maybe read some tutorials, or something like that* and if you have any more comments just PM me -Legacy
  13. ok i got linux onn it and all, i used iPodLinuxManager BETA so when i go in the boot menu thing, it says "Apple OS, iPodLinux,Rockbox,Disk Mode, and sleep . only Apple OSS, Rock Box, Disk Mode and Sleep will will work, i think it may have something today do with my loader.cfg file this is what i wrote in it: Apple OS @ ramimg iPodLinux @ (hd0,1)/linux.bin Rockbox @ (hd0,1)/.rockbox/rockbox.ipod Disk Mode @ diskmode Sleep @ standby any help is appreciated i am trying to get podzilla on it and i cant find a download for it. But i did did get rockbox to work -Legacy
  14. does anyone? if you do reply:P i need helpz.... lol
  15. hey your back whats up? Lol my exams start soon
  16. this is the best advice you will ever get dont eat yellow snow use a condom keep things out of your ass kill that @#%$in rabbit if it gets the trix and always listen to grandparents -Legacy (PS. Its the spam section... Stupid Pointless Annoying Message) GET IT?? P.S.S. How many posts do i have in the spam section??? -Legacy *wanted to right my name again* ttyl - Xx Legacy xX ---- Wanted to us the X's now this is true spam =D
  17. sorry i was bored, but hey this is the spam section and oh ya your from england!! i dont think they have that commersiaal over there
  18. Silly rabbit trix are for kids! (just remember that and it get you through life)
  19. i love them 10 outa 10 (=]) good job tho, try to make your next one not have a looping glitch and make them more serious but i luv them "there great" <---frosted flakes -Legacy (is awesome) **ps. the rating wasn't serious no effence or anything**
  20. we have a afflightes thing on the main page, night sure we still have it, and i dont think anyone goes to it maybe make announcement saying Afflights and make it link to the afflight page idk and i dont know how to spell afflights right and i think i will try to stay active, i didnt go to school today i was sick and i am still sick just not as bad.
  21. ty, and i found out my xbox live account did not get hacked its just it said *your account has been recoverd on another system* so i thought that it got hacked, its just my email cause i dont know its password and in my xbl info thing it had my old one. And i forget the program that traces msn passwords.... lol i dont need to chnage all my passwords all them are different rofl
  22. well my msn account got hacked tazz_cat@hotmail.com and my xbox live account got hacked Tazz cat can someone hack my msn account back for me send me a msg on my other msn account *punk4omc@hotmail.com* and for the xbl acconunt i am trying to phone xbox live ppl. and i got my desktop working *yay* it only removed everything off my hdd lol grrrg i am kind mad
  23. yup
  24. lol i luv donkey kong
  25. woah Crazy o.O i like it, you guys should expand on this style more i luv it. btw whats that font?
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