Rofl me and my friend went to tha dolla store and but those really loud horns and we went around to a bunch of sotores being abnoxes and blowing them! we got quicked out of a bunch and after we got kicked out of walmart we did that out side and had a sword fight with them! we got lotsa dirty looks
Umm you can put it on a 2g nano i have it on mine and theres good ipod linux installer tutorials on youtube but some are out of date, go to its just a ipod linux site i will post a tutorial soon Homebrew developer Ahman has released iRshell v3.9. The developer has stated that this is the final release of the app and that he is retiring from the PSP scene. Hereâââ‰â¢s the list of new features: * Added support for 3.80M33-2, M33-4 & M33-5. Pls note M33-1 & M33-3 are not supported due to some technical issues which Iâââ‰â¢m lazy to resolve. * Added support for 3.80 Popsloader Version 2. Version 1 isnâââ‰â¢t supported. * The 1.5 Kernel Addon for 3.71M33 & 3.80M33 has caused some incompatibility issues with fw 1.5 iR Shell. This is now resolved. * Enhance PSP ISO compatability. Previously failed ISOs will probably work in this release. * For slim only, the nethostfs MAX mode is now compatible with WPA. * Some older firmware supports have been removed to reduce the distribution archive. This version has support for fw 1.5, 3.10 to 3.80. Also, directories EXTAPP15 & EXTAPP3X have been combined into a single EXTAPP to save space. Each APP# directory has 2 EBOOTs, with EBOOT.PBP for fw 3.x and EBOOT15.PBP for fw 1.5. This version also has a couple of bugfixes that users might want ton know. Hereâââ‰â¢s the comlete bugfix list as taken from the applcaitionâââ‰â¢s readme file: * Launch XMB will now show UMD disc icons, even NoUMD modes are selected. * Fixed some nethostfs & UMD compatibility issues. * Fixed the compatibility between Sony NP9660 NoUMD Mode & launching PSOne game via nethostfs. * Turning off nethostfs sometimes crashed the PSP. This has been fixed. Also, remember to read the documentation first. This rule applies to all of life.. Download here
This is something like Windows Vista for your PSP DOWNLOAD Instructions to Install: 1: Download the file that i gave you up top (or here) 2: Extract the file you get 3: Put the folder in the root of your psp 3: Go to your PSP internet browser and type this in file:/pspwxp/index.htm Troubleshooting: Make sure you have flash enabled (will add more to this) adding a bunch more to this tonight -Legacy
so me and about six of my friends we walking to Macdonald's and when we were walking there a fatt orange cat just moses by us and we all stop and look at it walk threw all off us. And so we are still looking at it when it tunes into someones backyard and when its gone i said. "Did anyone else wanna eat that cat" they were laughing lol i thought i would tell that story -Legacy BAHAHA
Ive had lots of friends die but know girlfriends (well not when we we going out) but i hope she lives, you got my prares i just dont know what to say stay in there budd -Legacy