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Xx Legacy xX

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Everything posted by Xx Legacy xX

  1. read title
  2. d
  3. lol style xp. i have it.
  4. lol i dont like it either.
  5. lol made it with PS elements =P i made it really quick cause i only had ten mins lol i thinks it ok for a 10 min sig my other are atleast 1 and 30 mins http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/2263-674.png
  6. umm also i know theres some for 30 referals 3000 $ umm that would do good 4 the site
  7. Xx Legacy xX


    good times.....
  8. omg about time i see an awesome mod!!
  9. i did mean and IBM computer lol....it stands for IB-otModz
  10. umm i'll trade you for an ibm which it staands for ibotmodz so it makes it an awesome computer,
  11. yup i kinda always wanted to intro my self but i saw someone else do that and they got banned but now ibotmodz doesnt have a stick up there ass so i can edit: doesnt not does~~!~~
  12. well i have never introduced my self lol and i wanted to so hi my name is Brandon (dont rape me now that you know my name ) I have been modding for about a year now and i have been on ibotmodz since dec then made acc when to see the forum you had to sigh up but hmm what else to say. Lets go E rape demon.....HOT POCKETS!
  13. trust me dont make the mistake of buying i used one
  14. to post my topic in spam section lo its tiring
  15. i dont think has anything to do with that but when the windows thing is sating up are this noice from my computer youcan here it in the background if you listen does tha having anythng to do with it. that just started happenin
  16. http://youtube.com/watch?v=O-WdwHPu_ig loops like that, look at my topic in computer support
  17. http://youtube.com/watch?v=O-WdwHPu_ig when i start up my computer it just loops that start up help? sorry for bad quality in video used a web cam =P http://youtube.com/watch?v=O-WdwHPu_ig i think i may haft to use the windows disk to fix.
  18. [hiddenspoiler=it blows click here to find out why!!!:31hdezsw]jk jk, i like it its different wish there was colour tho.[/hiddenspoiler:31hdezsw]
  19. when i start it up it goes into the system error thing where you haft to wait 30 seconds or press enter. then goes into the windows start up thing. then after about 5 seconds it makes a whole buch of jumbled numbers for second then runs in that cycle over and over again. i am going to take out my hdd and delete the last thing i downloaded.
  20. can i see stock? gj, i think thease should be good comments cause since its dedicated to someone.
  21. http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/2080-717.png like this but bigger
  22. ya my computer is broke so i wont be active for a couple of days un less if i am on my lab top.
  23. Xx Legacy xX

    im back

    who r u =P jk jk sup?
  24. YAY!! me got it woooooooootza!
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