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Xx Legacy xX

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Everything posted by Xx Legacy xX

  1. Woah thats interesting and different, i like it i like it how you try stuff new and interesting Keep it up i love it i am going to try get back in sig making YAYYA -Legacy
  2. Does anyone have a good screen recorder program cause i only have cam studio and it isnt that good, i would rather freeware but if you to "pay" for it idk
  3. 8 gb is around 300 $ 16 gb is around 400 $ and the 32 gb is around 500 $ I think the price will lower before the summer like all products do over time
  4. f you've ever worked on web sites doing everything by hand you know what a huge time-sink it is. Long ago I used to write all my sites with notepad and everything else was done manually. With the increased complexity of sites now this method is no longer feasible. If you've been going link exchanges by hand you know for sure the hassles of dealing with this. I'd estimate that for every 10 link exchange emails or forms I submit, I might end up gaining 1 link back to my site. Considering the amount of time it takes to do this manually, I no longer bother. The only way I can imagine it being worthwhile is to pay someone in India or China to do this stuff for you at a cheap hourly rate. Unfortunately since I don't have enough faith to let someone else work on my sites and do things correctly, I opt to do it myself. One thing that I do have faith in however is Axandra's IBP software. IBP stands for Internet Business Promoter. This program does so many things I haven't even come close to trying all the features, and I've been using it for a long time. The business version of IBP allows you to setup many sites, each with their own information. It uses this information to fill in forms, submit to search engines and directories, etc. Each of these site profiles keeps their own data so you can easily switch between projects and not lose any information. This version also has the ability to create custom reports for customers with your company name on them so that SEO firms can use it for their businesses. Since I haven't used all the features I will touch on my favorites and just mention some of the others. I will mention these in descending order starting with my favorite. Link Popularity Improver This feature is by far my favorite. It is a semi-automated link exchange program. You simply tell it the page you want to work on getting links to, the keywords you're targeting, and what search engines to look on. It fires up a bunch of threads (up to 16), which search the selected search engines for link directories on sites relating to your keywords. It sorts the results by relevance and you can quckly go down the list and it will auto-fill the forms for you with the data you provide in the site profile. It also keeps all the results in a big list and checks off the box when you submit for form. This way you can keep track of ones you've already done, which my mind isn't capable of doing alone. My only complaint about this feature is that it always seems to find the same sites over and over (mixed in with results you care about) every time I run it, no matter which site I'm working on, what keywords it searches for, or which search engines I pick. I end up spending time wading through the results looking for ones that are actually relevant to your site. Despite this issue it is still much much better than doing this by hand! I really enjoy letting this run overnight with 16 threads, waking up in the morning to see that it visited 10,000+ web sites while I was asleep and has a fresh list of pages for me to exchange links with. Top 10 Optimizer This is my second favorite feature. It will analyze the top 10 sites on the search engine you choose and compare it to your site. It then generates a large report that gives lots of information on ways to improve your site. It analyzes things such as keyword density in the title, meta description, meta keywords, H1/H2 tags, body text, same site links, keywords in urls, keyword positions, and many many other factors. It also checks your page for a large list of common mistakes. This optimizer is better than others I've used. It actually shows you the sections in question on your page shown alongside the other page's content, and what it offers a suggestion it actually gives you specific suggestions, such as "you should mention XYZ keyword more than once in the title tag" if it finds that all the other top10 pages have that in the title. Search Engine Submitter This feature isn't terribly exciting since there are probably hundreds of other things out there now that do this exac thing.. It is just an automated search engine submitter. It uses the information you gave in the site profile and submits to a ton of engines. It also has a semi-automatic search engine submission tool, which I have not tried. After reading news of at least one engine giving penalties to sites that use the submit form I stopped using engine tools like this. Submitting to hundreds of engines is pointless when most of the world uses Google, Yahoo, and MSN. All it takes to get those 3 to spider your site is to have some incoming links. For the last few sites I've created I skipped the engine submission step completely and had no problems. Directory Submitter There is also a semi-automated directory submitter. It takes you to the (auto filled) submit form almost identical to the way the link exchange tool does. This also contains some specialized directories if your site is in certain categories/locations.A I wish this feature had more directories listed. There are literally thousands of them out there and I wish IBP's internal list was bigger. I still end up doing most of my directory submissions by hand. Other Tools IBP also has a handy link to the w3c HTML validator and will automatically submit the url from your current project to perform the validation. A handy optimization html editor is also present. It allows you to easily modify/add meta tags, and many other aspects of the page. It will also show you the latest top10 optimizer report so you can easily refer to it to make changes. The editor also has a simple HTML view so you can edit the code directly, which has syntax highlighting but lacks features like autocomplete and color picker that you'd find in Dreamweaver. One additional cool feature of the editor is it allows you to open and view a competitor's HTML. My favorite part of the editor is that it will show you the keyword densities for the various aspects of the page while you're working on it, so once you have your goal figured out (from the top10 report) you can know when you get there without having to recreate the report. There are additional features for managing pay-per-click (PPC) campaigns, various keyword generators which load the web site in question in the IBP application frame (such as the Overture inventory tool). Since many of the things it features are web sites loaded inside the application it makes it handy to get to a lot of the tools that I find myself using on a daily basis. In conclusion, I can't recommend IBP highly enough. It offers features that blow away the other products I've used. If you have more than one web site this software is easily worth the price. I'm no salesman, and I could probably talk someone out of buying something they came to me looking to purchase. For that reason I highly suggest checking out the IBP website and let them properly explain what their software is capable of. *artical not made by legacy*
  5. Well here are some cool case mods i have found i will be adding more, post some if you find any. http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/6731-36.jpg http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/6731-37.jpg http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/6731-38.jpg http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/6731-39.jpg http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/6731-40.jpg http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/6731-41.jpg http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/6731-42.jpg http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/6731-43.jpg http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/6731-44.jpg http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/6731-45.jpg http://www.coolmods.co.uk/catalog/images/xcm%20360%20case%20halo%20green.jpg http://www.fstop-blues.com/uploaded_images/xbox360_mods-705288.jpg http://www.maxitmag.com/images/stories/news/games/sunil/28164-hq2.jpg http://mix.fresqui.com/files/images/xbox360_mods_052.jpg http://www.xboxic.com/wp-content/thumb-xbox360_Q4_mod.jpg http://www.gearfuse.com/wp-content/uploads/andrew/4_mar07/halo_case_mod http://www.xbox360rally.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/07/simpsons-xbox-360.jpg---BAHAHAH lol its only 1600 dollars xD http://www.llamma.com/xbox360/news/images/XCM360Case/xcm_360_red.jpg Controllers & Other: http://pictures.xbox-scene.com/xbox360/controller-1hand/front_final.jpg http://pictures.xbox-scene.com/xbox360/controller-1hand/buttons.jpg http://www.2dayblog.com/images/2007/june/carbonfiber_xbox360_1.jpg http://www.teamxtender.com/news/uploads/XCM_360_Controller_Case%5B1%5D.jpeg to see these images right click on the then click view image. (if your using firefox) http://www.llamma.com/xbox360/news/images/XCM360Case/xeno%20008.jpg http://www.llamma.com/xbox360/news/images/XCM360Case/xeno%20010.jpg http://www.llamma.com/xbox360/news/images/XCM360Case/xeno%20012.jpg http://www.llamma.com/xbox360/news/images/XCM360Case/xeno%20019.jpg http://www.blogsmithmedia.com/www.engadget.com/media/2007/04/4-18-07-xilt_main.jpg < found this interesting, they added tilt, i found this pic in a artical
  6. k noodle, why are you being a flaming forum kiddie. like @#%$ who the @#%$ cares if he if he cant soft mod a xbox 360, like sory to be a forum b**** but flaming makes people leave and we need more members. so bassicly stfu and have a good day -Legacy, sorry for being a b**** your still the shitz
  7. Lol thats why i am here i thought this section needed another topic before fattwam gives it 50 more
  8. i am going to auchully take vids but you can make another version i am just gonna go on like we have hundreds of halo 2 mod..... then show like all the mods but you can do what you want cause we are trying to get more members.
  9. It's been five years in the making. Hundreds of thousands of man hours have gone into its development. Millions of words have already been written about it. Some have already written it off, others can't wait to get their hands on a copy. Finally it's here. This is the latest episode in the Microsoft soap opera. This is Windows Vista. Has it been worth the wait? http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/6694-50.jpg On the face of it, Vista has its work cut out. There's no doubt that the move from XP to Vista was never going to be as dramatic or ground shaking as the move from the much-derided Windows 98 to XP, no matter how hard the Microsoft spin machine worked at convincing us it was. After all, there's not nearly quite so much to fix with XP, which has, by-and-large, done a decent job of running home, business and, latterly, entertainment PCs throughout the land for a good while now. There has been the odd security bump along the way and, sure, it has the odd annoying foible, but apart from the fact that it's beginning to look a little long in the tooth, XP is still in rude health. Has Vista got enough in its locker to persuade millions of users to make the switch? Read on to find outâââ¬Ã¦ Just Window Dressing? Cynics will tell you that Vista is just XP with a brand new wardrobe - underneath it's just the same old operating system. And yes, to a certain extent that's true. But in the case of Vista's rather swish-looking Aero interface, it's more than just pretty version of XP. This is a makeover that's worthy of the name. http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/6694-51.jpg If your PC or laptop has the hardware (we'll deal with this issue in more depth later) you'll get transparent windows that let you see through them to what's behind and much more sophisticated animations than with XP. Minimised Windows fade out and gracefully slide into the taskbar, live previews appear as you hover over minimised application buttons in the taskbar, and the whole look and feel is a lot more mature than XP. If you've downloaded and used Windows Media Player 11, you'll already have a good idea of how Vista shapes up âââ‰â¬Å it's slick, no doubt about it. http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/6694-52.jpg There are other ways in which Vista shows off its new 3D capabilities though, apart from the transparency and glass effects. There is now an alternative to the old Alt-Tab method of switching between applications called Flip 3D. Hit the Windows key and Tab and instead of flat, anonymous icons, you get previews of all your currently open windows stacked in 3D. Hit Tab while holding down the Windows key and the stack smoothly cycles through each one, just like a virtual Rolodex. The more frivolous sidebar is a nice touch too. This takes a similar - albeit altogether more attractive - approach to Google's Desktop sidebar. You can dock various 'gadgets' here, including a clock, sticky notes, an RSS news feeder, a photo slideshow, contact list and various other handy mini-applications. *this artical was not made by Legacy*
  10. http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/6693-53.jpg Yeah, we know we're a little late with this one, but we see the iPod touch as a pretty major turning point for Apple's iPod line; when it was announced, we finally thought we'd found an iPod we could really get behind. For years technology enthusiasts pondered the possibility of an Apple-made widescreen, WiFi-enabled portable media device, and they finally did just that -- even throwing in a few things that, prior to the iPhone, we might not have expected, like a full-fledged web browser, internet video player (YouTube), multi-touch interface, etc. But after playing with the touch for a few days, it's become pretty clear that Steve was right when he declared that the iPhone is still the best iPod. Read on to find out why. Late last year. iPods had fallen into a rut: the features were stale, the form factor of the flagship device basically stopped progressing, and it started to seem like Apple didn't care or understand where portable media players were headed -- or at least didn't seem to realize what such devices were capable of. So it came as no surprise that as soon as the iPhone was announced, people began demanding that same device, sans phone. And why not? Not everyone hates their cellphone, or wants to switch to AT&T, or lives in America (or select countries in Europe) -- and from a media player standpoint, the iPhone made the iPod technologically respectable again. Only a handful of other devices, like the Archos 604 WiFi, come equipped with that specific bundle of features (web browser, touchscreen, and WiFi). http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/6693-54.jpg Fortunately for that rather sizable group of potential buyers waiting for the phoneless iPhone, it was clear that Apple had invested an enormous amount of effort (and money) into creating its mobile OS X platform, and that all those development bucks weren't going to live on in only one product -- especially not a device that is ultimately beholden to deals with cellphone carriers. So the iPhone without the phone -- the WiFi-enabled widescreen iPod -- finally started to seem more like an eventuality than some distant hope. When it was announced a couple of weeks ago, the surprise was less that Apple had been working on this device after all, and more the myriad iPhone features unexpectedly absent. We'll get to that shortly. Media http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/6693-55.jpg http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/6693-56.jpg Thankfully, as far as media playback goes, all the best stuff from the iPhone made the cut in the touch. It shares the same audio, video, and photo apps as the iPhone, which is a good thing since we still love the new Apple mobile media interface every bit as much as we did when we first reviewed the iPhone. The iTunes WiFi Music Store works exactly as advertised; search is fast, sampling tracks and downloads are easy, and syncing tracks back to your host computer is effortless. Apple really nailed this. To date, most over the air music downloads on a portable media devices have been tedious, if not completely impractical. Also unchanged are our primary complaints about said media playback, the same complaints we've had about the iPod for years: we don't like managing our media through iTunes, and we don't like being limited only to those few codecs Apple supports (AAC, MP3, H.264, and MPEG-4). In fact, if Apple gave us greater codec support (or even just the option to add additional codecs ourselves) and mass storage support for drag and drop while adding media, we'd probably be able to overlook the other, smaller things that ail us about iPods. Software http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/6693-57.jpg Since the touch is an iPhone at its heart -- really -- comparisons on the software end of business were immediate and inevitable. We're going to assume you're at least casually familiar with the touch's progenitor, but if you didn't read over our iPhone review or haven't much used one yourself, we're happy to say the touch remains a rock solid device on the software end. We experienced far fewer crashes now than we did with the v1.0 iPhone firmware; the rest of the interface is just as responsive and reliable. http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/6693-58.jpg Apple has also since made a number of improvements to the touch which have yet to carry over to the iPhone. (We're expecting the iPhone to be brought to parity with the touch in its next firmware update, due in the next week or so.) One major annoyance, about which we took umbrage in our iPhone review, is that periods are unnecessarily difficult to type. No longer: the touch takes the BlackBerry approach, where pressing the space bar twice types a period automatically. This is a godsend. http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/6693-59.jpg http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/6693-60.jpg Also improved: many of the clicks, chirps, and other system sounds have been tweaked, most often with the result of being slightly less grating than the noises of the iPhone. And, of course, the addition of international support in menus and keyboards means you don't have to be a US American to use the thing. But it isn't what's on the touch that caused us to sit up and take notice so much as what's not on it. The iPhone's suite of apps set certain expectations for what the touch should include. Granted, we understand why the iPhone's mobile email app was omitted from the touch. While we still would have liked to have the option to email over WiFi, its intended purpose is as a portable media player, not a mobile communicator, so we can follow that line of thought. But why leave out its notes, weather, stocks, and Google maps apps? We know the portable doesn't include the same constant connectivity as the iPhone has with EDGE, but it's not like downloading music over the iTunes WiFi Music Store is a practical application in ways that checking for weather, or jotting down a quick note are not. The touch is still a connected portable device, after all, and what we see is Apple mimicking the limited feature set of the old, stale iPod line instead of fully realizing the touch's potential. http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/6693-61.jpg http://www.blogsmithmedia.com/www.engad ... lendar.jpg And let's not forget the touch calendar controversy. Why allow users to indulge in some PIM basics, like editing and creating new contacts, while not others, like editing or adding new calendar appointments? When we confirmed that Apple had indeed dropped calendar editing from the touch, we were floored. Not even because it's that essential a function, but because we can't possibly fathom why anyone in Cupertino thought to take something of value, however small, away from for no apparent reason. For a company that continually emphasizes its software as being the core of what drives great consumer electronics, we just can't understand why Apple chose curb the touch's capabilities right at the outset. Hardware http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/6693-62.jpg With the touch, Apple's hardware is, as usual, striking when compared with many of its competitors. Ever so slightly wider (about 1mm) and significantly thinner (8mm, which is no small feat) than the iPhone, the touch has far harder, sharper edges on its facade, and a sloping, almost difficult to grip rear. It even manages to leverage that space with a large enough battery to put out more than its advertised 5 hours of video playback -- we got about 5.5 - 6+ hours. But despite its impressive thinness, after the last few months of using the far more functional iPhone, the touch left us in want. It may be the ideal size for a device of this kind, but it omits many of the simple hardware niceties we've grown used to in the iPhone. Hardware volume controls were highest on the list of things we miss. We could just as easily live without a mute switch on a media player, but losing the hard volume buttons is rather disappointing. Granted, Apple has made it easier to get to the media controls and volume when the device is in sleep mode; just press the home button three times (once to wake, two more times to bring up media controls without unlocking it). But what's wrong with a real volume switch, too? With no hardware controls, doing something as frequent and essential as changing the volume necessitates removing the device from your pocket. Furthermore, without hard volume buttons, you can't adjust the volume at all while playing music in landscape (i.e. Cover Flow mode). This is pretty basic stuff that drives us up the wall. http://www.blogsmithmedia.com/www.engad ... iphone.jpg Also missing -- and missed: an external speaker. Yeah, we know not every media player has one, and it probably would have added some bulk to a device so slim as the touch. But sharing samples of songs, a bit of video, or -- duh -- YouTube now instantly necessitates friends adventurous enough to use your funky headphones each taking a turn watching Chocolate Rain or the Hipster Olympics. We know in the long run it's a relatively minor thing, but it's still disappointing. http://www.blogsmithmedia.com/www.engad ... ntenna.jpg But that's not all. While we appreciate the aesthetic sacrifice Apple made in in adding a proper WiFi antenna to the touch, the odd, asymmetric black corner on the rear looks off and misplaced. We wish Apple have just placed the antenna behind the touch's face, or possibly along the top or bottom of the unit, where its sleep / wake button or headphone jack is. It's a relatively minor aesthetic nitpick, we know, but Apple obviously holds its hardware design in the highest regard, and to us the antenna seems uncharacteristically out of place for an iPod product too pristine to even have hardware volume controls. Then there's the matter of the display. Ours happened to be one of the "small number" of touch units with the faulty screens. It's difficult to capture in a photograph or even explain in text (so far the best shots we've seen came from Apple-Touch), but the result is dark shades -- especially black tones -- look almost inverted. At very least it's distracting, and at worst it makes some darker video almost unwatchable. We hope Apple gets these units fixed on the double, because for us this janky screen teeters on the edge of a return-your-unit-forever dealbreaker. http://www.blogsmithmedia.com/www.engadget.com/media/2007/09/ipod-touch-review-rear.jpg And then, finally, there's the shiny chrome back side, which is just as easy as ever to keep pristine and unmarred, provided you store your iPod in a vacuum or cover it in armor. We still don't get this. Yes, people like shiny gadgets, but the glee of that first five seconds of ooh pretty hardly outweighs the lifetime of fingerprints and scratches that the iPod's rear mirror finish accumulates. We thought Apple had learned its lesson when it gave the iPhone a matte aluminum back side. Guess not. We can't be alone in thinking chrome doesn't patina like an old pair of jeans. To us it just seems to look worse with time. Wrap-up It's hard to argue that there isn't beauty in simplicity, especially when it comes to consumer electronics. But there's such thing as too simple -- and sometimes too simple can turn into crippled. Most of our complaints about the touch have to do with what it lacks -- not in general, but when compared its big brother, the iPhone. Had the iPod touch come out first, the lack of a hardware volume switch, integrated speaker, and all those apps might have been perfectly passable, but now the expectations have been set, and we can't see how taking things away from users can possibly add value. Everyone in this industry is trying to give their customers more, but with the iPod touch Apple gave its customers less in what should have been the best iPhone alternative on the market. This time around, in Apple's obsession to edit, they managed to leave some of the best stuff on the cutting room floor. *artical not made by legacy it was from Engadget*
  11. I still remember me and my friends playing that on the n64 lol i legit rofl -Legacy
  12. thanks, oh and i am using the song u sent me like back in the summer xD
  13. Well i have a project for iBotModz to get it more known to the population, it was an old suggestion by me and i didn't get to it. Well i am going to make and iBotModz video explaining what we have to offer at iBotModz. I have already chosen a song but if you have a song that you think that will be great for the Video i will be happy to re chose. But i need some suggestions for the video and i need a couple people to post the video on youtube and we will all tag it different things. Oh fattwam can i get the intro of the votw in windows movie maker format please? This is my project -Legacy
  14. Maybe???
  15. bump theres been alot of new members with xbl accounts post 'em
  16. i wanna make this topic labeled hott
  17. bump i have had a bunch of people ask me where this is, maybe now it will be easier to find consider stickying this
  18. LMAO thats great, i was like "i did'nt know he made campaige modz" I wonder who made that mod and i want anarchy back
  19. WEEE
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