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Xx Legacy xX

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Everything posted by Xx Legacy xX

  1. orly ?
  2. I'll be GFX leader again
  3. I had to have LiteOn
  4. remeber to coment and rate and sub id u want
  5. lol
  6. this post is mine
  7. this posts was not mine kink i dont trust you
  8. None of my posts in this topic were me except for this one
  9. i dont feel like going back and editting so right now i am leaving and to the mods the right ip fopr legacy is the one taht starts with 74. cya guys
  10. Someone stole my ibotmodz account whatever i say to you 9 times outa of ten is not me. i have only been on one day in the last 2 months.
  11. The GFX group is still at the bottom even though i was the last member. Is it there for a reason?
  12. has not set their status
  13. has not set their status
  14. has not set their status
  15. has not set their status
  16. has not set their status
  17. has not set their status
  18. has not set their status
  19. I trust kink as i have played with him on this account alot. He's a ligit seller as he has sold to people before and no one has gave him bad feed back yet Hope you get a sale soon.
  20. Your crazy man. And dont make up words
  21. what does this mean?
  22. I agree a school section would be good
  23. Ya recon is server side and how do you add games to your profile? P.S. you dont get recon online until ODST comes out
  24. Erm i dunno but i need to work it out soon
  25. Xx Legacy xX


    sorry i havnt been on the past 2 months but whats up everyone lmao u should see my new car its horrid -legacyyy
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