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Xx Legacy xX

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Everything posted by Xx Legacy xX

  1. Xx Legacy xX


    This is great for putting crap on the map with entity!! It saves alot of time!!
  2. the game looks amazing and is amazing!! I tired it and its awesome!!!!
  3. so you dont have halo 2 saved on your hard drive?? ok do you have this prblem with any other of your maps??? but eitherway iy most likely your disk. Give it a good clean.
  4. umm this is illegal, anyways who would want to download 50 billion files. Lol it would be alot easier to use a torrent
  5. http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/2912-520.jpg mk
  6. ya know i am going to bump this
  7. lol i am srry but i want 50 =P http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/2909-521.jpg lol sorry for the double post rule thingy for this topic but i wnted to post that
  8. 49 http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/2908-522.jpg
  9. yay smokies back I am making a sig 4 u
  10. OMG DONE A NEW SIG FINALLLY!!!!!!! YEA YAYA I am Back In SiG Making!!!! http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/2857-523.png http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/2857-524.png
  11. have a good day Your still awesome lol when i was an iBotNewby i thought your were black
  12. u kno whatz.........................................BumPz
  13. hi *feels like spamming*
  14. BUMPZ!
  15. Hey whats up. Lol that is all =P Oh i got a 4+ on my test i am PROUD!!!! soo hows blowing up crap and rolling down half pipes in tires?
  16. good job, wish we could host it on iBotModz tho.. maybe we can =O
  17. there all sexy <3 lol look at some of my work from a month ago i had a good spree my tupac was a little bit crappy
  18. bump, anyone else?
  19. well i think we should do u?
  20. your black sparks brother right? if you are whats up you havnt been on ibotmodz in like a couple months
  21. finally sumthin in the gfx section!! goood job try more vecor stuff you stuff is good if you keep up at this you could be amazing!!
  22. Stay, i dont mod halo 2 anymore i am still on the site but i havnt been active this week cause i cant.
  23. Xx Legacy xX


    lol they gave gave me laphing gas for the first 3 years, 4th the knocked me out
  24. Xx Legacy xX


    lmao i knocked my adult tooth out in gr 1 and i had to get a root canal x 10 cause i had to get a couple it took like 6 yeas to fix
  25. Hey yay your kinda back, ps. ps3's blow. But whats up?
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