you haft to patch it first with super ppf, there are some tutorials in h2 modding tuts on how to do this but once you have patched the sppf patch to your clean map. you do replace containment.
wtf j Learn how to do ur abc's!! it suppoes to be X gosh!! lol umm what letter are we at? ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm its MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM m for MOOOOOOOOOOO
lol my stock was of a piece of paper. then i and i made it awesome. download/file.php?id=44&mode=view heres a bigger version, its kinda fuxed up tho cause iciuldnt get the origanal off my desktop
Xx Legacy xX------Tazz Cat iBotPeaches-------Bio Toxic Peach StevenSVE--------XxKilltrocityxX blacklablefosho----Scary lil boy Saintsrule---------xSH4D0WZ F4LL 0= zero Fattwam----------Big Twam Sweeney----------air sweeney Sephiroth69-------iBotSephiroth Logan-------------Hi Im Logan spartan0m3Ga-----SlackAttack813 Big4Wheeler-------I Souless I Cesar-------------I Fallen Angel I XXl Modder lXX----iArZoniSt nielsss---------- -nox13666 noodle1119-------noodle1119 snowmon333------snowmon dogfather95-------Dogfather95 Halo Modder-------Mr LatePenguin SmokiestGrunl------Aussie G i'll update if you post here
i like it, lol is that a stock of a fence in there? lol i should try that i use stocks of spiderwebs =P gj tho different, i like it how it blurs her into the air but i dont like her hand it is f--ed up
well i am not going to lie i drink but i dont brag about it. but off topic lol the first hang over u have is the worst =P (incase anyone thought i said i am a drunk i not i just drink at partys and when i am at home playin me xbox) ps logan got owned =P