i would turn to the ps3 if it had more games and their live was better and if they had gears a=d a rumble controller and a better controller with not as many japan people on it and if it was not made but sony lol commas are for losers
http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/12612-167.jpg You know it as the ultimate handheld gaming systemâââ‰â¬Âthe place to play the very best in portable games. You may even know that the PSPÃâî (PlayStationÃâî Portable) system can do a bunch of other things as well. The thing is, once you've held all this in the palm of your hand, you won't ever be the same. The PSPÃâî system has a boatload of talents, including: * Gaming Over 350 titlesâââ‰â¬Âand more coming all the time * Video More than 460 feature films, TV programs and music videos available on UMDâââ¬Å¾Ã¢ disc (each sold seperately) * Music It plays MP3s, WAVs, WMAs, ATRAC3+ and MP4s * Photo Create a slide show of your photos or beam them to friends via Wi-Fi * Network Communicate with other PSPÃâî systems, play games online, browse the Web and more * RSS Stay up-to-the-minute with your fave blogs, podcasts and news feeds * ...and more
Well snowmon333 I arrived at "Walmart" with broken xbox stuff that chronologically i got for free, and so i returned those products their and the lady who i returned it to said "we haft to put these purchases onto a giftcard because you don't have a reseat". I said "Okay". So with the giftcard I bought that stuff and i only had to pay 25 dollars.
It's something like that Fattwam, You can only go to so many forums/topics on iBotModz. So say if I were a guest on iBotModz I could only visit lets say 10 links. So you see this will make alot more members join because what if they were trying to find something and it said "You have visited the maximum while being a guest, to visit unlimited pages please register" Assuming they are smart they would register. -Legacy (if your wondering why I am typing like a "stuck-up" look in the off-topic section)
well i know theres a mod out there that makes it so guests can see so many pages. if you dont know what i mean peaches or fattwam go to darknetworkz i think they have it on. but i think it will make more people join because they will be looking at stuff and all assuddon it will be like * u have vistied 2 many pages you, registar now b***** so they will haft to register ;P yea -Legacy
Anyone on ibotmodz a gears fan other than me? If you are do you wanna play with me, i could even help beet u campaigh on insane! Or i could play with you on ranked matches. lol no gears fans on ibotmodz. and more lol come play with me and sweeney since you quit h3 come play gears its awesome i may host a game tonight if i can fix my controller