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Xx Legacy xX

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Everything posted by Xx Legacy xX

  1. New members don't be afraid to post!! if you need any help or even if you just want to say hi don't be afraid to we wont bite.
  2. Rogers or Bell i think both lol
  3. lmao auto messages much to you happen to remeber Xx Anarchy xX from there he may of been banned but whats up? do you play gears of war?
  4. sorry i ment to put this in off topic but whatever and fatty what did you do??? lmao
  5. well i have triead on 3 different computers and it was down in the morning is it down for anyone else? -Legacy
  6. googalamigilgly
  7. biggest bump X 2 i am a copier xP
  8. rofllmao *peach is banned for 81038184098123049124793 days for bumping xP*
  9. ya he was on a like a week ago Are you irl friends? nahh you my IRL friend lmao jkjk
  10. your welcome i am pro at gfx xP
  11. ya he was on a like a week ago
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XfC69UMQLeQ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XfC69UMQLeQ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XfC69UMQLeQ [youtube:34ffncnk]XfC69UMQLeQ[/youtube:34ffncnk]
  13. he was from the old ibotmodz, he was mah buddy he still visits he had 1000 posts
  14. happy birthday logan http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/16442-604.jpg yay your 8 yrs old xP
  15. amazing simply amazing..... i wish this was put when halo 2 modding was popular
  16. lol it was but on won of my profiles on the first one i played for 100 hours i like beet the first one i dont know how many times but the second one i beet like 6 times but i modded the first one and using trainers in it was so fun
  17. have been to ontario? ive been it ontario (i live there), pei, new brunswick, nova scotia, quebec, and i am going to bc to live my sister this summer
  18. cool, did you try to fit in and say eh alot xP
  19. i like the concept of it, but it kinda got fuxed up some how. but ts a awesome idea like i saw it your idea and what you were trying to do but it just lost its bar its a learning experience
  20. well fatty hasnt, but who has just out of pure curiosity
  21. ya i remeber you, your my canadian buddy
  22. lord of the rings sucks i liek watched a bit of some of the movies i hate them
  23. yes star wars knights of the old republic, and don't say i am a star wars geek cause i hate the movies but that game was amazing better than fable!! so has anyone played either of them and do you know if there is a third one coming out? but the games amazing i played it for over 1000 hours lol (litterly) but its the best game in the world my favorite game by far (except for gow) so please tell me if there are fans on ibotmodz of kotor
  24. i didnt do this i just beat him but it looks easy [youtube:rsvpljw8]jWn0rTiry90[/youtube:rsvpljw8]
  25. i found 28 i needed help for 2 of them
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