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Xx Legacy xX

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Everything posted by Xx Legacy xX

  1. i dunno, but does it look simple or hard?
  2. just make a new account it will ask you if you want to try xbox live gold for a month, its free lol
  3. By the way, im not taking the **** out of The Arbiter, hes the Best, I made this in spite of the best Modding Website in the world! hope you liked please Comment! you can Clap now LMAO thats great you are like now respected by me your are the best wanna a cookie?
  4. lol is it,, if its ike runescape tell me cause i hate runescape
  5. lol i would be good at that i am always on that thing, and shoutbox mods can give people 48 hour banns if there spamming on cbox
  6. Xx Legacy xX

    New sig.

    CnC and gonna add more to the bg or do you think i should leave it, its for the paint battle
  7. YEAHHA lol here what i have so far gonna add a lil bit more and then make another one cause we can submit to ANYONE UP FOR IT
  8. i like it, we want more than just computers, advance i vote yes
  9. u got a talent a little bit corny (no effence ) but were you watchi ng family guy last night *anna roids* when peter does the king and i and anna is a robot lol
  10. Its on YAY added to the runners i will say the due date until we have more runners but we get a head start
  11. This section is for the site problems but i dont know, ive heard in some cases yes and then some no, so dont know what to say cause i me be wrong but what i think is they dont bann people. but i may be wrong But we should wait for peach or someone until we jump on this
  12. Subject - Any Style - Any Rules - You Haft to Use MS Paint, any stuff dun in anything else must be told (if you were to like make it so instead of a white bg make it the ibotmodz bg) btw dont make it to big or small i will accept 2 entry's but i will start making mine as soon as first person sighs up -Legacy runners Xx Legacy xX Melo Sweeney iBotPeaches Nuklear Random1225 Vailid due date: coming soon
  13. lol why did you call it that? all my sigs are liek that, and my work lol i saved one of my prgects like that and i emailed it to my teacher and forgot to change the name
  14. Not my favourite but i got pissed at PS lol paint rules
  15. newb, your prolly a lancer ***** lol
  16. Awesome job, finally something thats different
  17. Xx Legacy xX


    Yeah you should!! lol hurry
  18. Xx Legacy xX


  19. anyone?
  20. Xx Legacy xX


    Best movie ever [youtube:2don4cs1]K0SKf0K3bxg[/youtube:2don4cs1]
  21. you are your's is auchully a serious sig though
  22. thank you , glad you like it if you were wondering i used paint
  23. this is prolly my best ever. and its for snail he is my buddy comments please lol
  24. of course are you talking about origanal xbox modding or 360 modding?
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