Gears Of War Weapons Lancer- This weapon is used for medium ranged combat, it is assault rifle kinda weapon. However it has a useful chainsaw on the front of it if you do get into close range combat. Gnasher- This weapon used for close ranged combat and is very easy to blind fire. This weapon is a shotgun and it can blow your enemy's to bits. Snub Pistol- This weapon is a very usefl weapon because it is great for close and medium range sharp shooting. This pistol as a great melee system. Longshot- This weapon is a sniper rifle its mostly used for medium to long ranged combat but in the hands of the amazing it can do more than that. Grenades- Ideal for flush out enemy or blinding them with the smoke grenade, but you can litterly stick the grenade to them with the spikes on the grenade. Hammerburst- Something like the lancer except it shoot out 4 bullets at a time (I think). This is more used for people with skillful aiming. Boomshot- This rocket launcher shoots out a huge rocket that can blow people to bits and if used rightly can take out a hole team. Torque Bow- This weapos is shaped like a Cross Bow but when the arrows penetrates the victim it blows up. This weapon can do amazing things. Hammer of Dawn- Help me find image This weapon sends a signal to satilites in the sky and shoots death ray to the ground. Revolver- Help me find image This weapon is a pistol but it can bring down a enemy in 2 shots, this is great for sharp shooters. This weapon is also called the Bultox pistol. this was made by Xx Legacy xX Updating with the rest of the weapons very soon don't worry vote plazz if you love ibotmodz
yeah i would own the gow section lmao and yeah i think we could do it, what are other popular games? but peach can we please consider or do this? i am just trying to bump this topi in a none spammish way lol BUMP -Legacy
Well for me its hard to say, my favourite movie of this year was Juno (or I AM LEGEND) but i have a bunch of favourite ones here are some. Juno I Am Legend The 300 Fast and the furios the notebook (jk ) uhh theres more cant think right what are yours? -Legacy
well maybe can we have sub forums in the 360 games section for like popular games like gears of war, cod4, gta 4 and more. cause i would post the gta and gow section and probally blacklablefosho will post in the cod section. but can we maybe do this? -Legacy
i have enough money to but a tv tuner or one of those wireless thing for the xbox 360 which one should i get. -Legacy wait if i buy off of amazon and get this ... 187&sr=1-3 and i think hat can record can someone tell me and and i think i will have enough moola for both