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Xx Legacy xX

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Everything posted by Xx Legacy xX

  1. yay, lol i blow at sniping btw i was blindfIRNG
  2. http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/14933-52.jpg baahaha mine sucks
  3. Awesome!1 i love the first one gj gj gj! yaya
  4. it will deffently make more traffic if ppl search on google
  5. this is like the best topic evver
  6. iron man is too inappropriate he has boobies
  7. lol i saw that in his sig earlier and i was like peach couldnt of made that no offence but gj peach diserves 10 billion sigs
  8. awesome, do you perhaps play gears of war though no one play it on ibotmodz
  9. is the secret that you can search topics, forums and what not because thats what ni saw when you were doing the update or you updating to ibp but why would you be doing all the work to this site right now. hmm a awesome theme that yo made?
  10. definetly not your best, maybe try not to make your sigs 2 colors maybe a bunch of colors, if you do use 2 colors make sure the blend
  11. lol no ones gonna download this unless if you ave pics plus a discription my xbox is in repair so i cant play it but i would get pics for you, btw, why do you have a caution on the download
  12. off topic: lol i like you avy modder
  13. [youtube:rpgcuy8g][/youtube:rpgcuy8g] ITS SO INTENSE
  14. april 22
  15. I love it! lol i still remeber when i was the master of the cbox
  16. 899 and 911 post
  17. can someone move this to the cell phone section for mee plz
  18. post the stock because i dont know what you did but what i see is good litlle bit bright but that is probally my computer, i really like the lines beside him and the text blows lol if this sounds like i am giving it a low rating i am not the only flaw is the text i think but you could of added more to it, like peach said just a little bit bland but i kinda under stand the its a lp and kinda hard to fi a bunch into a big pic but goood job:D remember post the stock, and if i have permision may i use it ?
  19. lol title says 100 words btw i have it
  20. uhh yhis maybe of topic but.. Hey guitarman sup?? u should like chillln here more often
  21. sweet i was gonna get one but i am getting a tv tuner and gta instead
  22. your welcome =]
  23. you are amazing like you should paint fruit bowls for a living 10003Q1309 outa 10 for creativity plus smokie is just the best my Australian buddy
  24. yayayya its your birthday
  25. yay thanks niellls now you are on my respect list i am making new one if you are not on it like right now dunt woory i am updating tonight
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