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Xx Legacy xX

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Everything posted by Xx Legacy xX

  1. The one god the amazing the Legacy has a fan bar that only has the glares of knights halmets and kings crown has set upon this piece. Now we can all feast our eyes on this piece of parmish. Now you can where the can wear this peice in show of respect to the Legacy [IMG=http://i163.photobucket.com/albums/t300/photo_man_photos/fanbarXxLegacyxX2.jpg] http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/19008-458.jpg lol i rock at speeches you should seen the one for the paint battles HAHAH -Legacy
  2. Nielsss does it again, your doing alot for iBotModz keep it up!! do you need any help with other mods?
  3. ROFLMAO wow thats gay its so stupid
  4. i dont like dakaosguy grr he makes me mad but i hate when ppl leak mods
  5. Yeah nothing i took at the valubels out of it the screen was friead i took the battery ram caards hdd etc then after i broke it i took out some of the usb ports and the monitor ports so lol the thing wouldnt even turn on
  6. same here Do at least like jericho or something? Lost is GOD!
  7. I like it!! I see that stock alot good job mate
  8. well make it so a post of 50?
  9. Yes, sorry i know i am not in GFX
  10. me too lol Lol i am going to california for university ^-^
  11. I changed my voteto melo's he winz lol i thought the battle was gonna be between me and nuklear good everyone!! someone close this and no one post more on this
  12. Lol mail it to them does anyone else like the idea?
  13. lol i just found out to day its lap top
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hcVF6WOrDrw [youtube:2qumbxaz]hcVF6WOrDrw[/youtube:2qumbxaz]
  15. i recorded i am uploading it to youtube right now
  16. awesome!! where did you take these??
  17. sorry, anyways it wont even turn on. the screen was already a lil cracked it worthless i took out anything that good be of use plus i just smashed it
  18. lol i am bored + i took out the hdd and ram cards. its an old windoes 98 big a bulky thing
  19. well ii think i am gonna burn it / smash it any thing else i should do
  20. thats smexy <3 isnt mine to die for also?
  21. Well mine was this. i made the mod green rocks and sticky's dont blow up. +more, and i took the pic http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/18847-486.jpg lol its rape sause
  22. Awesome! i do like the lightning bolt thing coming from his hand. can i see the color version plz
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