thanks for apologizing it takes guts to do that and as you said it was an accident. i forgive you -Legacy EDIT: i just relooked at the post it wasnt you it was this stash guy
Omg lol theres a GFX section guys for all you new members you can just reply on someones sig and it will get you vip quicker (as long as its not spam) viewforum.php?f=37 viewforum.php?f=37 viewforum.php?f=37
I like it it looks coool, lol it kinda look like japans going to war but one things bothering me that red light beside the head, make it on all sides of the head
Just read this whole topic and holy crap. I am gonna start going to the halo 3 section more i am supprised that we havnt got any of anythony's dik riders
Woah moving again u may loose your accent have fun, i have moved alot to mostly to kansas city in the US, then back to Canada. then to the geto, then to Washington dc, then back with my parents. Then i moved back into the geto, then back with my mom. an now my moms moving so i went to live with my dad. And i am back and forth and i may move down to British Colombia (across Canada) then in grade 11 i may go live in Germany or England -Legacy
Thank you!! lol it took me awhile with pen but i ended up using the pen then using a cd4 over it then changing the layer to soft light or hard light to make it have that blue look.
umm probally not i think its just mostly firm ware mods, the auchual case mods just look cool and firmware modding is bassicly free, i will try find a tutorial on how to do it
well i made a logo it the size of the one right now i may make another one tomorrow this on may be to light
do you think we should put the sve web site on ibotmodz like in sub forums and what not? it would make sve way more popular but steven needs to releace the first episode do you think we should and if you dont know what sve is go to the link
I agree. it was kinda scary. But I love it. I like the colors you used and the stock. The only thing that cought my eye that bothers me is his hand on the right side of the sig. I dont know what you set the blend mode to but I dont like that reddish yellow finish on his hand. still awesome though fixed that and put the teext closer to his hand like it better?
What the ##$% how is he posting here <.< because it was moved the problems and suggestions and i am not for this, its just i know some people will cheat.