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Xx Legacy xX

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Everything posted by Xx Legacy xX

  1. works well still suggest PS but bigkiller make your post more then one work crap lol err i get so annoyed of that stuff. lmao but i like this for like facebook and myspace
  2. well i know theres alot of spam to get vip so maybe we can put a tryout section so you can only tryout once a week and you haft to say what you have done for the site and why you think you should get it. It will make people try to post some stuff that we make ibotmodz better. consider this?? -Legacy
  3. bigkeiller stop spamming we can make it so you dont get vip till 200 (sorry i know i am not a mod) but will we have a new mod when 3000 comes along
  4. its not my favourite but i see where you were going with it but it hit a waterfall. but i love what you were thinking, but the pen tool doesnt fit, try a different color maybe i dont know -Legacy
  5. Xx Legacy xX


    Some are really good, but i see your trying a different style keep it up the photography though, and try take a pic of something abnormal
  6. Xx Legacy xX


    Pure macdonalds secret rape sause.. WELL DONE lol i love your sigs there not like everyone else's -Legacy
  7. Nahh i post in it
  8. do you giez wanna join mah gfx battle?? lol
  9. sorry for dbl post but when i come back i will startthe votes, but i will wait for sweeney to finish enter fast1!
  10. Did you make it frm scratch?? awesome thoguh go cgeack out mine viewtopic.php?f=46&t=3484
  11. your kidding right? both are awesome for popping heads
  12. bump
  13. Awesome, i want a pelican xD
  14. rofl when i separated my shoulder i didnt go, is should of though its @#%$ed up now
  15. lol who goes there for a sprained anything
  16. can u giez sticky this i made it my self =]
  17. lol was just testing out my tv tuner so i deicided to capture this and post it http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ytSAzB5A_U [youtube:7bgbg9di]_ytSAzB5A_U[/youtube:7bgbg9di] comment on the vid on youtube. tell me if its good quality.
  18. remember we are aloud to bump now lol but good sig and for blacklable even better
  19. lol i like it its fun to use , i sometimes use it when i am bored pfft key boards are way over rated lol i type with my nose
  20. an hour, lol was mostly distrackted though i could prolly make it in 30 mins
  21. NOTICE: if you mess up doing this its not my fault. So do this at you own will kinda thing lol the guy kinda stupi cause i calls that video *Modding* put it showes you how to remove the stickers without voiding the warrenty http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NQWdhfp_ ... re=related [youtube:qds9q7k2]NQWdhfp_KrU[/youtube:qds9q7k2]
  22. oh then nvm thats what i do when i want to make a new account ps. you can still play on a silver account so you can join customs
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