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Xx Legacy xX

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Everything posted by Xx Legacy xX

  1. I have this but i dont think you can use this for hd tvs but i may wrong i will check tommorow
  2. Well its good for quick stuff and short but if you have long videos it gets glitchy it loads slow but other programs have like audio editors also but its alright program
  3. Good but its gonna suck when i hook up my hd tv to hit
  4. how big is it gonna be, lol i should make one for my 360 just make that plate a solar panal and whens our boat do?
  5. Xx Legacy xX


    oops sorry i editted your post, sorry i tohught i was quoting lol but it ends in a z
  6. i already dot one and i posted that i already got one. how are you VIP? lol -Legacy
  7. You are deffently improving, but remember to read tutorials (i am not saying you suck) but tutorials will make you learn about all the photoshop tools, and your sigs will be amazing, you have protensial spend more time on your sigs though, i understand when you just wannna be like *DONE* but take your time we can wait -Legacy *GREAT JOB* PS: remember to look and reply on my sig
  8. Hey black of you want different text just tell me what font you want, what color ,what you want it to say, and where you want it to be lol black is the s*** PS: i know the colors dont match i kinnda @#%$ed it up i was auchully trying to get the a gang person to be holding a gun but then i found james bound lol, i wanted to make something for blacklable -Legacy
  9. Finally you post you should see his litttle prject going, lol solar panals charging a psp lol it was your first post xD your gonna have this section ruled bye tommorow
  10. Thats rape sause!! holy crap awesome color changed to make it look under watery
  11. scratch man, sorry. THATS AWESOME FOR SCRATCH!
  12. Wtf do you still have it on theater lol
  13. May i see what stocks or renders you used? or did you start from scratch
  14. I will be leaving for awhile to but i cans still go on ibotmodz
  15. Lax's FTW, i really like it lol i like his face makes him look plastic
  16. thank you smokie!!! you are awesome sorry i did not you made a topic like that
  17. Same with my brother ... i used to live close to you Kansas City is good shopping
  18. nielsss will love is <3 awesome job sweeney we all love nielsss -Legacy
  19. no problem want me upload the video you have to my youtube account? it would get more views
  20. This can be uploaded on the start of youtube video Version 1 DL: http://files.filefront.com/Intrompg/;99 ... einfo.html Version 2 DL: http://files.filefront.com/Intro2mpg/;9 ... einfo.html Version 3 DL: http://files.filefront.com/latestmpg/;9 ... einfo.html Version 4 DL: http://files.filefront.com/intro4mpg/;9 ... einfo.html Version 5 DL: http://files.filefront.com/hopempg/;996 ... einfo.html to preview them just click on the link and you can watch the stream from filefront
  21. im not sure what you mean, im new to this stuff. whats a focal? its lie the person in your image, it like whatever the person is looking at like in that pic its iron man but some sigs dont even have a focal most do though
  22. i am still gonna help you personally, its just i was giving you tips its just i cant help u tonight maybe tommorow though
  23. ok um first play around with it first but i will mentor you but the way i learned i just read tutorial at like tech-gfx.net you dont even haft to do the tutorials just read them so you learn about some of the tools and tricks you can do
  24. my advice is to renders never works out (or focals) nice try though, ive seen two focals work out nicely its just most the time it doesnt. -Legacy
  25. Ontario Canada
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